Clause 4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities

Interpretations of Clause 4.13

  1. Purpose: Clause 4.13 emphasizes the contractor’s responsibility to manage and bear the costs for any special or temporary rights-of-way needed for the project. This includes any requirements for access to the site.
  2. Implications: The contractor is responsible for obtaining any external facilities required for the project, outside the designated site, at their own risk and expense. This means that any additional costs or risks associated with obtaining these rights-of-way or facilities fall squarely on the contractor.
  3. Primary Aspects: The clause clearly demarcates the responsibilities between the employer and the contractor. While the employer must provide the necessary site for the project, any additional facilities or rights-of-way are the contractor’s responsibility.
  4. Expert Opinion: Experts in the field of contract law and construction management would likely view this clause as a risk allocation mechanism. By clearly defining who bears the costs and risks associated with rights-of-way and external facilities, the contract aims to prevent disputes and misunderstandings later in the project.

5. Relevant Illustrations: An example scenario could be a construction project where the main site is provided by the employer, but the contractor needs additional space for storage or staging. In such a case, the contractor would be responsible for securing this additional space and bearing any associated costs.

Interaction with Other Clauses:

Clause 4.13 might interact with other clauses that deal with the responsibilities of the contractor and employer. For instance, clauses related to the provision of utilities, site access, or other facilities might have implications that overlap with Clause 4.13. The contractor would need to ensure that they are not only compliant with Clause 4.13 but also with any other related clauses in the contract.

a storage area in the construction site

Main Points to Keep in Mind:

  1. Cost Implications: The contractor should be aware that they bear all costs associated with additional rights-of-way or external facilities.
  2. Risk Management: Any risks associated with obtaining these rights-of-way or facilities are also the contractor’s responsibility.
  3. Coordination with Other Clauses: The contractor should ensure they are compliant with all relevant clauses in the contract, not just Clause 4.13.

Real-World Instances:

In real-world scenarios, disputes might arise if the contractor assumes that certain facilities or rights-of-way would be provided by the employer. For instance, if a contractor assumes they would have access to a particular road for transportation but later finds out they don’t, it could lead to delays and additional costs. Such scenarios underscore the importance of understanding and adhering to Clause 4.13.

Sample Letters

Flowchart for “Clause 4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities”:

Rights of Way

Notice of Access Delay

Dear [Name of Designated Representative],

On [date], our access to [specific equipment/area] was impeded because of [cite impediments]. As you know, we have been keeping you up to date on this unexpected problem. The scheduled work that cannot be performed falls along the critical path of our work, and our inability to perform work as scheduled and sequenced will necessarily affect completion of the project. We understand that access will be impaired for the next [number] days and possibly longer.

To help in your planning, we provide this further update. Although we are certain that you are working diligently to solve this access problem, we thought that you would appreciate knowing that the project schedule, as well as our construction cost, will necessarily be affected by this problem. We cannot tell you how much added time and construction cost to expect until the problem is solved, but we request an extension of time for each day that our access to this critical area/equipment is denied. When we have sufficient information and know the overall extent of the delay, we will submit a request for time extension and additional compensation relating to the potential inefficiency, disruption, rescheduling, acceleration, overtime, overmanning, stacking of trades, dilution of supervision, and any other impact costs as well as extended overhead and equipment costs for this delay.

This letter highlights the contractor’s concerns regarding access delays, which can be directly related to Clause 4.13. It emphasizes the need for clear communication between the contractor and the employer regarding access and the potential implications of any delays.

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[Your Company Name]
[Your Company Address]

[Engineer’s Name]
[Engineer’s Address]

Subject: Notice of Access Delay under Clause 4.13

Dear [Engineer’s Name],

We are writing to inform you of delays in accessing specific equipment or areas essential for the execution of the Works under the Contract. These impediments have arisen due to [specific reasons for delay, e.g., “unforeseen obstructions on the designated access route”].

This delay is impacting our project schedule and may lead to additional costs. We hereby notify you under Clause 4.13 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 and request an extension of time for each day of denied access. A detailed request for time extension and additional compensation will be submitted once the extent of the delay is known.

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]


[Your Company Name]
[Your Company Address]

[Engineer’s Name]
[Engineer’s Address]

Subject: Notice of Multiple Issues under Clause 4.13

Dear [Engineer’s Name],

We wish to bring to your attention ongoing problems related to changes and additions to the scope of work under the Contract. Specifically, we have encountered issues such as denied access, changes to submittal review processes, and other modifications leading to added costs and potential delays.

While we remain committed to ensuring the successful completion of the project, we request understanding and cooperation in addressing these challenges. We will continue to cooperate and work diligently to minimize added costs.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]


[Your Company Name]
[Your Company Address]

[Engineer’s Name]
[Engineer’s Address]

Subject: Notice of Constructive Change under Clause 4.13

Dear [Engineer’s Name],

We have received directives to perform additional work not originally specified in the Contract. This work is beyond the scope defined under Clause 4.13 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999.

We have established a separate cost code for this work and will track associated expenses. A request for a time extension and additional compensation will be submitted once the costs and extent of the delay are determined.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]


[Your Company Name]
[Your Company Address]

[Engineer’s Name]
[Engineer’s Address]

Subject: Notice of Late or Defective Equipment/Materials under Clause 4.13

Dear [Engineer’s Name],

We wish to inform you of issues with late deliveries or defects in owner-furnished equipment or materials essential for the Works under the Contract. These issues are impacting our project costs and timelines.

We hereby notify you under Clause 4.13 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999. A request for additional compensation and a time extension will be submitted once the extent of the delay and costs are known.

We appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]


[Your Company Name]
[Your Company Address]

[Engineer’s Name]
[Engineer’s Address]

Subject: Request for Extension of Time and Additional Compensation under Clause 4.13

Dear [Engineer’s Name],

Due to unforeseen circumstances and challenges related to “Clause 4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities”, we are facing delays in the execution of the Works under the Contract. These challenges have impacted our project schedule and led to additional costs.

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In light of the above, we hereby request an extension of time and additional compensation under Clause 4.13 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999. We will provide a detailed breakdown of the costs and the extent of the delay for your review.

We appreciate your understanding and prompt attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]


Rights of Way


Mindmap of Clause 4.13 and its Interconnections


  • Clause 4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities: The central node representing the clause in focus.
    • Purpose: Outlines the main objectives of the clause, which include managing costs for rights-of-way and obtaining external facilities.
    • Implications: Highlights the responsibilities and risks that fall on the contractor.
    • Interaction with Other Clauses: Details the interconnections of Clause 4.13 with other relevant clauses in the contract. Each sub-node represents a different clause that has implications or overlaps with Clause 4.13.
  1. Clause 4.12 Unforeseeable Physical Conditions: This clause deals with unexpected physical conditions that the Contractor might encounter during the execution of the Works. If the Contractor encounters unforeseeable conditions that affect the rights-of-way or facilities, it might have implications for Clause 4.13. For instance, if unforeseen sub-surface conditions make it necessary to change the access route or require additional facilities, the responsibilities outlined in Clause 4.13 would come into play.
  2. Clause 4.14 Avoidance of Interference: This clause might be related to Clause 4.13 in scenarios where the Contractor’s rights-of-way or facilities might interfere with other activities or stakeholders. The Contractor would need to ensure that the rights-of-way or facilities they secure do not cause undue interference.
  3. Clause 4.15 Access Route: This clause directly relates to Clause 4.13 as it deals with the route the Contractor will use to access the Site. If the Contractor needs special or temporary rights-of-way for this access route, it would fall under the responsibilities outlined in Clause 4.13.
  4. Clause 4.16 Transport of Goods: The transport of goods to the Site might require special rights-of-way or facilities, especially if heavy machinery or large quantities of materials are involved. Clause 4.13 would dictate who bears the costs and risks associated with securing these rights-of-way or facilities.
  5. Clause 4.17 Contractor’s Equipment: The storage or staging of the Contractor’s equipment might require additional facilities outside the main Site. Clause 4.13 outlines the Contractor’s responsibilities in such scenarios.
  6. Clause 4.18 Protection of the Environment: If the Contractor’s rights-of-way or facilities have environmental implications, they would need to ensure they are in compliance with this clause while also adhering to Clause 4.13.
  7. Clause 20.1 Contractor’s Claims: If the Contractor incurs additional costs or faces delays due to issues related to rights-of-way or facilities, they might raise claims as per this clause. The responsibilities and procedures outlined in Clause 4.13 would be crucial in such scenarios.


Checklist for Proficient Execution of Clause 4.13:

No. Task Description Documentation Required
1. Obtain Necessary Permits Ensure all permits for rights-of-way and facilities are secured. Copies of permits
2. Conduct Inspections Regularly inspect the rights-of-way and facilities to ensure they meet standards. Inspection reports
3. Address Repairs Promptly address any necessary repairs or maintenance. Repair logs
4. Review Regulations Regularly review and update based on changes in regulations or best practices. Updated checklist
5. Safety Protocols Implement safety measures and protocols. Safety guidelines

Checklist for Deployment of “Clause 4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities”:

No. Task Description Responsible Party Status
1 Identify Needs Determine the specific rights of way and facilities required for the project. Contractor [ ]
2 Cost Assessment Evaluate the potential costs associated with obtaining the necessary rights and facilities. Contractor [ ]
3 Risk Assessment Identify and assess potential risks related to acquiring rights and facilities. Contractor [ ]
4 Documentation Document the process, including any agreements or permissions obtained. Contractor [ ]
5 Ensure Compliance Ensure all acquired rights and facilities comply with local regulations and the contract’s terms. Contractor [ ]
6 Secure Rights & Facilities Proactively secure the necessary rights of way and facilities before project commencement. Contractor [ ]
7 Monitor & Review Regularly review the status and adequacy of the rights and facilities throughout the project’s duration. Project Manager [ ]
8 Address Issues Address any issues or challenges related to rights and facilities promptly. Contractor [ ]
9 Final Review Conduct a final review to ensure all obligations related to rights and facilities have been met. Project Manager [ ]
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Checklist for Supervision of “Clause 4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities”:

No. Task Description Responsible Party Status
1 Regular Inspections Conduct regular inspections to ensure the secured rights and facilities are adequate and in good condition. Supervisor [ ]
2 Compliance Checks Regularly check for compliance with local regulations and the contract’s terms. Supervisor [ ]
3 Address Grievances Address any grievances or concerns raised by local entities or stakeholders related to rights and facilities. Supervisor [ ]
4 Monitor Usage Monitor the usage of the rights and facilities to ensure they are used appropriately and efficiently. Supervisor [ ]
5 Report Issues Report any issues or challenges to the Project Manager for timely resolution. Supervisor [ ]
6 Documentation Review Regularly review the documentation related to rights and facilities to ensure accuracy and completeness. Supervisor [ ]
7 Feedback Collection Collect feedback from the Contractor and other stakeholders on the adequacy and efficiency of the rights and facilities. Supervisor [ ]
8 Final Assessment Conduct a final assessment at the end of the project to evaluate the overall management of rights and facilities. Supervisor [ ]

FAQs for Clause 4.13 Rights of Way and Facilities:

  1. What does Clause 4.13 cover?
    • Clause 4.13 pertains to the rights-of-way and facilities. It outlines the responsibilities of the Contractor in securing and managing these rights-of-way and facilities.
  2. Who bears the cost for obtaining additional rights-of-way or facilities?
    • The Contractor is typically responsible for bearing the costs associated with obtaining any additional rights-of-way or facilities unless otherwise specified in the contract.
  3. What if unforeseen conditions affect the rights-of-way?
    • If unforeseen conditions, such as physical obstructions, affect the rights-of-way, the Contractor should refer to Clause 4.12 Unforeseeable Physical Conditions for guidance.
  4. How does Clause 4.13 interact with other clauses in the contract?
    • Clause 4.13 may interact with various other clauses, especially those related to the physical execution of the Works, the responsibilities of the Contractor, and potential claims or disputes.
  5. What happens if there’s a dispute related to rights-of-way or facilities?
    • Disputes related to rights-of-way or facilities should be addressed as per the dispute resolution mechanisms outlined in the contract.
  6. Are there any environmental considerations under Clause 4.13?
    • While Clause 4.13 primarily focuses on rights-of-way and facilities, any environmental implications arising from these should be addressed in compliance with Clause 4.18 Protection of the Environment.
  7. What if the Contractor fails to secure necessary rights-of-way or facilities?
    • Failure to secure necessary rights-of-way or facilities may lead to delays, additional costs, and potential breaches of the contract. The Contractor should ensure compliance with Clause 4.13 to avoid such issues.

Common Misunderstandings

  1. Unlimited Access Assumption: There’s a misconception that the clause grants the Employer unlimited rights to access the site. In reality, this access is subject to the Contractor’s right to uninterrupted and safe execution of the works. Misunderstandings can occur if the Employer assumes they have unrestricted access to the site, potentially disrupting the Contractor’s work schedule and causing delays.
  2. Confusion Over Temporary Facilities: There may be confusion regarding the extent of the Employer’s right to use and access temporary facilities and services. This can lead to disputes over the responsibility for their provision and maintenance.
  3. Overlooking Alternative Facilities: Contractors may overlook the fact that they have the right to request alternative facilities or routes of access if the prescribed ones become inadequate. This can result in unnecessary inconvenience and inefficiency.
  4. Financial Implications: Both parties should be aware that any delays or disruptions caused by the exercise of the Employer’s rights of access may have financial implications. These need to be assessed and accounted for in the contract.

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