Application for Interim Payment Certificates – Deep Dive into Clause 14.3 of FIDIC Yellow Book 1999

The Contractor is obligated under this clause to initiate the payment process by submitting a Statement to the Engineer. The submission is to be made in six copies after the end of the payment period specified in the Contract or, if unspecified, after the conclusion of each month. The Statement must adhere to a form approved by the Engineer, providing a detailed breakdown of the amounts the Contractor believes they are entitled to. This breakdown should be accompanied by supporting documents, including the relevant report on progress as per Sub-Clause 4.21 [Progress Reports].

The following items, expressed in the various currencies applicable to the Contract Price, are required in the sequence listed:

a. Estimated Contract Value: This encompasses the value of the Works executed and the Contractor’s Documents produced up to the end of the month. This calculation includes Variations but excludes items detailed in sub-paragraphs (b) to (g).

b. Changes in Legislation and Cost: Any amounts to be added or deducted due to alterations in legislation or changes in cost, in accordance with Sub-Clause 13.7 [Adjustments for Changes in Legislation] and Sub-Clause 13.8 [Adjustments for Changes in Cost].

c. Retention: The Statement should include the deduction for retention, calculated by applying the specified percentage of retention stated in the Appendix to Tender to the total amounts outlined above. This deduction continues until the amount retained by the Employer reaches the limit of Retention Money, if any, stated in the Appendix to Tender.

d. Advance Payment: Any amounts to be added or deducted concerning the advance payment and repayments in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.2 [Advance Payment].

e. Plant and Materials: Inclusion of any amounts to be added or deducted for Plant and Materials in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.5 [Plant and Materials intended for the Works].

f. Other Additions or Deductions: This covers any other additions or deductions that may have become due under the Contract or otherwise, including those under Clause 20 [Claims, Disputes and Arbitration].

g. Deduction of Certified Amounts: The deduction of amounts certified in all previous Payment Certificates.


The overarching purpose of Clause 14.3 is to establish a systematic process for the submission of Interim Payment Certificates by the Contractor. This process ensures that payment claims are made in a structured manner, backed by detailed documentation, fostering transparency and accountability in the payment valuation process. The clause serves as a mechanism to facilitate the flow of funds to the Contractor as the project progresses, providing a fair and equitable basis for interim payments.

  • Regular Cash Flow: Ensures the Contractor receives regular payments for work completed, maintaining a steady cash flow.
  • Documentation and Transparency: Promotes clear documentation and transparency in financial dealings.


The implications of this clause are significant for both the Contractor and the Employer. For the Contractor, it means adhering to a defined procedure for submitting payment claims, which requires meticulous documentation and compliance with the approved form. This could impact cash flow and project progression. On the Employer’s side, the clause sets the framework for assessing and certifying payments, ensuring that funds are disbursed appropriately and in accordance with the contract.

  • Financial Stability: Regular payments help maintain the financial stability of the Contractor.
  • Project Continuity: Ensures uninterrupted project progress by securing funds for ongoing work.
  • Cash Flow Management: This clause is vital for the Contractor to manage cash flow effectively. Regular payments help in planning and executing the project without financial hiccups.
  • Documentation and Compliance: Emphasizes the importance of proper record-keeping and compliance with the contract terms. Detailed documentation is crucial for the Engineer to assess the work done and process payments.
  • Dispute Minimization: By providing a clear framework for payment claims, this clause helps in minimizing disputes related to financial aspects of the project.

Key Components

  1. Submission Frequency and Format:
    • The Contractor must submit a detailed Statement after each payment period (usually monthly).
    • The Statement must be in a format approved by the Engineer and include six copies.
  2. Content of the Statement:
    • Estimated Contract Value: Includes work executed and Contractor’s Documents produced up to the end of the month. It covers Variations but excludes other specific items.
    • Legislative and Cost Changes: Adjustments for any changes in legislation or cost as per Sub-Clauses 13.7 and 13.8.
    • Retention: Calculation of retention amount, based on the percentage stated in the Appendix to Tender.
    • Advance Payment Adjustments: As per Sub-Clause 14.2.
    • Plant and Materials: Inclusions or deductions as per Sub-Clause 14.5.
    • Other Additions or Deductions: Including those under Clause 20 (Claims, Disputes, and Arbitration).
    • Deduction of Previous Certificates: Amounts already certified in previous Payment Certificates are deducted.
  3. Supporting Documents:
    • Must include progress reports as per Sub-Clause 4.21.
    • Ensures transparency and provides a basis for the Engineer’s evaluation.
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Primary Aspects:

  1. Submission Process: The clause outlines the submission process for the Contractor, specifying the timing and format of the Statement and the necessary supporting documents.
  2. Payment Valuation Elements: The detailed breakdown in the Statement includes various elements such as the estimated contract value, changes in legislation and cost, retention, advance payment, Plant and Materials, and other additions or deductions.
  3. Currency and Sequence: The requirement for expressing amounts in various currencies and a specific sequence adds an additional layer of complexity to the payment valuation process.
  4. Detailed Breakdown: Breakdown of costs, including variations, legislative changes, retention, and advance payments.

Importance of Clause 14.3:

  • Financial Management: Ensures that the Contractor is paid for the work completed, maintaining financial stability.
  • Documentation and Transparency: Requires detailed documentation, promoting transparency and reducing disputes.
  • Adjustments for Changes: Allows for adjustments due to legislative changes or cost variations, ensuring fairness.
  • Retention and Advance Payments: Manages retention money and advance payment adjustments, crucial for contract compliance.

Sequence of Interaction

  1. Contractor Submits Statement: The Contractor submits a detailed statement and supporting documents to the Engineer. This statement includes various elements such as work executed, legislative and cost changes, retention amounts, advance payments, and other additions or deductions.
  2. Engineer Reviews Statement Format: The Engineer reviews and approves the format of the statement submitted by the Contractor. This ensures that the statement aligns with the contractual requirements.
  3. Contractor Documents Work Executed: The Contractor documents the work executed up to the end of the month, including variations and other relevant details.
  4. Assessment of Legislative and Cost Changes: The Contractor assesses any changes in legislation and costs that might affect the contract value.
  5. Calculation of Adjustments: The Contractor calculates any necessary adjustments based on the assessment of legislative and cost changes.
  6. Retention Amount Computation: The Contractor computes the retention amount by applying the percentage stated in the Appendix to Tender.
  7. Adjustment of Advance Payments: The Contractor adjusts the amounts related to advance payments and repayments as per the contract.
  8. Inclusion of Plant and Materials Amounts: The Contractor includes amounts related to Plant and Materials intended for the Works.
  9. Accounting for Other Additions or Deductions: The Contractor accounts for any other additions or deductions that have become due under the contract.
  10. Deduction of Amounts from Previous Certificates: The Contractor deducts amounts certified in all previous Payment Certificates.
  11. Final Statement Compilation and Submission: The Contractor compiles all the information and submits the final statement to the Engineer.
  12. Engineer Issues Interim Payment Certificate: Upon receiving and verifying the final statement, the Engineer issues an Interim Payment Certificate to the Employer.

This sequence ensures a systematic and transparent process for the application of Interim Payment Certificates, aligning with the requirements of Clause 14.3.

Interaction of Clause 14.3 with Other Clauses in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999

  1. Interaction with Clause 4.21 [Progress Reports]:
    • Specification: Clause 14.3 mandates the inclusion of a relevant report on progress as per Sub-Clause 4.21 [Progress Reports] in the payment submission. This interconnection ensures that the payment claim is not only based on the estimated contract value but is also substantiated by a comprehensive progress report.
    • Effect: The integration of progress reporting enhances the accuracy and reliability of the payment valuation process, aligning the financial claims with the actual progress achieved on the construction project.
  2. Interaction with Sub-Clause 13.7 [Adjustments for Changes in Legislation] and Sub-Clause 13.8 [Adjustments for Changes in Cost]:
    • Specification: Clause 14.3(b) explicitly refers to changes in legislation and cost, necessitating adjustments in accordance with Sub-Clause 13.7 and Sub-Clause 13.8.
    • Effect: This interaction establishes a link between the payment valuation process and the contractual mechanisms for adjusting costs due to legislative changes or variations, ensuring that financial claims are in alignment with the agreed-upon adjustments.
  3. Interaction with Sub-Clause 14.2 [Advance Payment]:
    • Specification: Clause 14.3(d) involves considerations for advance payment and repayments in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.2 [Advance Payment].
    • Effect: This interaction acknowledges the impact of advance payments on the interim payment certificates, creating a connection between the upfront financial arrangements and the ongoing payment valuation process.
  4. Interaction with Sub-Clause 14.5 [Plant and Materials intended for the Works]:
    • Specification: Clause 14.3(e) encompasses amounts to be added or deducted for Plant and Materials in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.5 [Plant and Materials intended for the Works].
    • Effect: This interaction recognizes the role of materials and equipment in the payment valuation, ensuring that the financial claims consider the costs associated with procuring and incorporating Plant and Materials in the construction process.
  5. Interaction with Clause 20 [Claims, Disputes and Arbitration]:
    • Specification: Clause 14.3(f) includes any other additions or deductions which may have become due under the Contract or otherwise, including those under Clause 20 [Claims, Disputes and Arbitration].
    • Effect: This interaction intertwines the payment valuation process with the broader context of claims and disputes, emphasizing the need for comprehensive documentation and adherence to contractual procedures to avoid potential disputes.
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Expert Insights

  • Risk Management Tool: Experts view this clause as a risk management tool, ensuring that the Contractor is not financially overextended.
  • Project Health Indicator: Regular and accurate submissions under this clause are often seen as indicators of the project’s overall health.
  • Critical for Project Success: Timely and fair payments are essential for maintaining good relationships between the Contractor and the Employer, which is crucial for the success of any project.
  • Dispute Reduction: Clear guidelines and documentation requirements reduce potential disputes over payments.
  • Flexibility and Fairness: Recognized for providing a fair mechanism to adjust payments due to unforeseen changes.

Key Considerations When Employing Clause 14.3 (Application for Interim Payment Certificates) in FIDIC Yellow Book 1999:

  1. Timely Submission: Ensure the Contractor submits the Statement after the end of the payment period or, if unspecified, at the end of each month as required by the clause.
  2. Approved Form: The Statement must adhere to a form approved by the Engineer. Compliance with this form is crucial for the validity of the payment claim.
  3. Detailed Breakdown: The Statement should provide a detailed breakdown of the amounts to which the Contractor believes they are entitled. This includes the estimated contract value, changes in legislation and cost, retention, advance payment, Plant and Materials, and other additions or deductions.
  4. Supporting Documents: Submission must be accompanied by supporting documents, including the relevant progress report in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.21 [Progress Reports].
  5. Currency and Sequence: Express amounts in various currencies and adhere to the specified sequence, considering the diverse nature of construction contracts.
  6. Changes in Legislation and Cost: Address adjustments for changes in legislation and cost in accordance with Sub-Clause 13.7 [Adjustments for Changes in Legislation] and Sub-Clause 13.8 [Adjustments for Changes in Cost].
  7. Retention Management: Calculate and deduct the retention amount in line with Sub-Clause 14.3(c), ensuring adherence to the percentage stated in the Appendix to Tender.
  8. Advance Payment Considerations: Account for amounts related to advance payment and repayments in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.2 [Advance Payment].
  9. Plant and Materials: Include amounts related to Plant and Materials in accordance with Sub-Clause 14.5 [Plant and Materials intended for the Works].
  10. Claims, Disputes, and Arbitration: Consider any other additions or deductions that may have become due under the Contract or otherwise, including those under Clause 20 [Claims, Disputes and Arbitration].
  11. Documentation and Compliance: Emphasize accurate documentation and compliance with the approved form and contractual terms to mitigate the risk of disputes.
  12. Integration with Progress Reporting: Recognize the interconnectedness with Sub-Clause 4.21 [Progress Reports], ensuring that financial claims align with the actual progress achieved on the construction project.
  13. Flexibility in Application: Acknowledge that the clause’s application may vary based on project-specific conditions and contractual nuances.
  14. Transparent Communication: Facilitate transparent communication between the Contractor and the Engineer to streamline the payment valuation process.


Application for Interim Payment Certificates

Detailed Explanation:

  1. Start: Application for Interim Payment Certificates
    • The process begins with the contractor’s obligation to apply for interim payments.
  2. Review Contract Terms
    • The contractor reviews the contract to understand the terms related to payment.
  3. Prepare Statement Format
    • A statement format is prepared in line with the Engineer’s requirements.
  4. Document Work Executed
    • The contractor documents the work executed and the contractor’s documents produced.
  5. Decision: Are Legislative/Cost Changes Applicable?
    • Determine if there are any adjustments needed for changes in legislation and costs.
  6. Calculate Adjustments for Legislative and Cost Changes
    • If applicable, adjustments are made for any changes in legislation and costs.
  7. Compute Retention Amount
    • The retention amount is calculated as per the contract’s terms.
  8. Adjust for Advance Payment
    • Any advance payments and repayments are adjusted in the statement.
  9. Include Plant and Materials Amounts
    • The statement includes amounts for plant and materials as per Clause 14.5.
  10. Account for Other Additions/Deductions
    • Other additions or deductions under the contract are accounted for.
  11. Deduct Amounts from Previous Payment Certificates
    • Deductions are made for amounts certified in all previous payment certificates.
  12. Compile Supporting Documents
    • Relevant supporting documents are compiled for submission.
  13. Submit Statement and Documents to Engineer
    • The completed statement and supporting documents are submitted to the Engineer.
  14. Decision: Is Submission Complete and Accurate?
    • Assess whether the submission is complete and accurately reflects the work and costs incurred.
  15. End: Submission Complete
    • The submission process for the interim payment certificate concludes.
  16. Ongoing Monitoring and Supervision
    • Regular monitoring of submissions, compliance with contract terms, auditing of record-keeping, and communication with the Engineer are essential for effective supervision and transparency in the payment process

Expert Opinion:

From a contractual perspective, this clause serves to establish a structured process for the Contractor to claim payment for work done. It emphasizes transparency and requires supporting documentation to substantiate the claimed amounts. The inclusion of various elements such as changes in legislation, retention, and deductions from previous certificates ensures a holistic approach to payment valuation. This can be viewed as a protective measure for both parties, preventing unjust enrichment or disputes.

In practice, the interpretation and application of this clause may vary. Contractors may seek to maximize their entitlements within the bounds of the contract, while Employers may scrutinize the details to ensure fair compensation. It is crucial for both parties to engage in clear communication and adhere to the approved form to streamline the payment process.

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Structured Checklists

Checklist 1: Proficient Execution and Deployment of Clause 14.3

TaskDescriptionStatus (✓/✗)
Review Contract TermsEnsure understanding of payment terms and schedules as per the contract.
Prepare Statement FormatDevelop a Statement format as per Engineer’s approval.
Document Work ExecutedRecord details of works executed and Contractor’s Documents produced.
Calculate AdjustmentsDetermine adjustments for legislative and cost changes.
Compute RetentionCalculate retention amount as per Appendix to Tender.
Adjust for Advance PaymentApply adjustments related to advance payment.
Include Plant and MaterialsAdd or deduct amounts for Plant and Materials.
Account for Other Additions/DeductionsConsider additions or deductions under other contract clauses.
Deduct Previous CertificatesDeduct amounts from previous Payment Certificates.
Compile Supporting DocumentsGather all necessary supporting documents, including progress reports.
Submit StatementSubmit the Statement and supporting documents within the specified timeframe.

Checklist 2: Applying and Overseeing Clause 14.3

TaskDescriptionStatus (✓/✗)
Verify Submission TimelinessCheck if the Statement is submitted as per the contractual schedule.
Review Statement FormatEnsure the Statement format aligns with the Engineer’s requirements.
Assess Work DocumentationEvaluate the accuracy of recorded works and documents.
Confirm Adjustment CalculationsVerify calculations for legislative and cost changes.
Validate Retention AmountsCheck the correctness of retention calculations.
Scrutinize Advance Payment AdjustmentsReview adjustments related to advance payments.
Inspect Plant and Materials EntriesExamine entries related to Plant and Materials.
Evaluate Other Additions/DeductionsAssess other additions or deductions as per the contract.
Cross-Check Previous CertificatesEnsure proper deduction of amounts from previous certificates.
Examine Supporting DocumentsReview the completeness and relevance of supporting documents.

Checklist 3: Guiding and Monitoring Execution of Clause 14.3

TaskDescriptionStatus (✓/✗)
Monitor Regular SubmissionsKeep track of regular Statement submissions.
Ensure Compliance with ContractRegularly check compliance with contractual terms.
Audit Record-KeepingPeriodically audit the Contractor’s record-keeping practices.
Facilitate CommunicationMaintain clear communication lines with the Engineer and Contractor.
Address DiscrepanciesPromptly address any discrepancies or issues in submissions.
Update Financial PlanningAdjust financial planning based on payment schedules and progress.
Provide FeedbackOffer constructive feedback to improve future submissions.
Document Supervision ActivitiesKeep detailed records of all supervision activities.
Conduct Regular ReviewsRegularly review the process for efficiency and effectiveness.
Ensure TransparencyMaintain transparency in all dealings related to the clause.

What is the purpose of Clause 14.3 in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999?

Clause 14.3, titled “Application for Interim Payment Certificates,” outlines the procedure for the Contractor to submit statements to the Engineer, detailing the amounts they consider themselves entitled to for work performed. It plays a crucial role in the interim payment process.

How does Clause 14.3 ensure fairness in payment valuation?

Clause 14.3 ensures fairness by requiring the Contractor to provide a detailed breakdown of the amounts claimed, including changes in legislation, retention, advance payment considerations, and more. This transparent approach allows both parties to assess the validity of the payment claim.

What supporting documents are required when submitting a payment claim under Clause 14.3?

Supporting documents include a relevant progress report in accordance with Sub-Clause 4.21 [Progress Reports]. These documents substantiate the claimed amounts and provide a comprehensive view of the project’s progress.

How does Clause 14.3 interact with other clauses in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999?

Clause 14.3 interacts with various clauses such as Sub-Clause 13.7 [Adjustments for Changes in Legislation], Sub-Clause 13.8 [Adjustments for Changes in Cost], Sub-Clause 14.2 [Advance Payment], Sub-Clause 14.5 [Plant and Materials intended for the Works], and Clause 20 [Claims, Disputes and Arbitration]. These interactions ensure a cohesive approach to payment valuation.

Can the submission schedule for payment claims be flexible?

The submission schedule should align with the contract terms. It typically occurs after the end of the payment period stated in the contract or, if not specified, at the end of each month. Adhering to this schedule is essential for the efficient flow of funds.

What role does the Engineer play in the payment valuation process under Clause 14.3?

The Engineer is responsible for approving the form used for the statements. They review the submission to ensure compliance with the contract terms and the approved form. The Engineer’s role is crucial in certifying interim payments.

Are there specific requirements for expressing amounts in different currencies under Clause 14.3?

Yes, Clause 14.3 requires expressing amounts in various currencies in which the Contract Price is payable. Adhering to the specified sequence is also important for clarity and consistency.

How does Clause 14.3 contribute to dispute prevention in FIDIC contracts?

By establishing a transparent and structured process for payment valuation, Clause 14.3 contributes to dispute prevention. Clear documentation and adherence to the contract terms reduce the likelihood of disagreements between the parties.

Can Clause 14.3 be modified or amended in a FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 contract?

Any modification or amendment to the standard FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 contract, including Clause 14.3, should be done carefully and in accordance with the contract’s provisions for amendments. It’s advisable to seek legal advice before making any changes.

Common Misunderstandings Associated with Clause 14.3 (FIDIC Yellow Book 1999):

  1. Submission Timing Flexibility:
    • Misunderstanding: Some parties may incorrectly assume flexibility in the submission timing, neglecting the specified periods in the contract.
    • Clarification: The clause outlines specific submission periods, either at the end of the contract’s payment period or monthly if not stated otherwise. Adherence to this timing is crucial for a smooth payment process.
  2. Documentation Adequacy:
    • Misunderstanding: There might be a misconception that a general overview without comprehensive documentation is sufficient for the payment claim.
    • Clarification: The clause explicitly requires detailed breakdowns and supporting documents, including a relevant progress report. Parties should ensure the submission is substantiated with accurate and thorough documentation.
  3. Limited Engineer Involvement:
    • Misunderstanding: Parties may wrongly assume that the Engineer’s role is merely administrative and doesn’t involve detailed review.
    • Clarification: The Engineer plays a crucial role in reviewing the submission for compliance with the approved form and contract terms. Their involvement goes beyond administrative approval.
  4. Exclusive Focus on Estimated Contract Value:
    • Misunderstanding: There might be a tendency to solely focus on the estimated contract value, neglecting other elements outlined in the clause.
    • Clarification: The clause includes various components such as changes in legislation, retention, advance payment, Plant and Materials, and more. Parties should consider all relevant aspects for a comprehensive payment claim.
  5. Failure to Integrate with Progress Reports:
    • Misunderstanding: Some parties may overlook the integration of progress reports, assuming they are independent of the payment valuation process.
    • Clarification: The relevant progress report is a mandatory component of the submission. It should align with the payment claim, providing an accurate reflection of the project’s progress.
  6. Inadequate Consideration of Currency and Sequence:
    • Misunderstanding: Parties may underestimate the importance of expressing amounts in various currencies and adhering to the specified sequence.
    • Clarification: Adherence to currency specifications and sequence is essential for clarity and consistency, preventing confusion and ensuring accurate valuation.
  7. Misinterpretation of Adjustments:
    • Misunderstanding: There might be confusion regarding the nature and calculation of adjustments, especially those related to changes in legislation and cost.
    • Clarification: Parties should carefully interpret and apply Sub-Clause 13.7 [Adjustments for Changes in Legislation] and Sub-Clause 13.8 [Adjustments for Changes in Cost] to ensure accurate adjustments in compliance with the contract.
  8. Limited Understanding of Retention Calculation:
    • Misunderstanding: The calculation of retention may be incorrectly interpreted, leading to errors in deduction.
    • Clarification: The retention calculation follows the percentage stated in the Appendix to Tender, and parties should ensure accurate application to avoid discrepancies.
  9. Overlooking Advance Payment Implications:
    • Misunderstanding: Parties may overlook the impact of advance payments on the payment valuation process.
    • Clarification: Sub-Clause 14.3(d) explicitly includes considerations for advance payment and repayments. Parties should accurately account for these elements in the submission.
  10. Failure to Address Other Additions or Deductions:
    • Misunderstanding: There might be a tendency to overlook other additions or deductions outlined in Sub-Clause 14.3(f).
    • Clarification: Parties should thoroughly review and address any other additions or deductions that may have become due under the Contract or otherwise, including those under Clause 20 [Claims, Disputes and Arbitration].

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