Clause 19.7 in FIDIC: Understanding Release from Contractual Performance

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Understanding Clause 19.7: Release from Performance under the Law in FIDIC Yellow Book 1999

Introduction Clause 19.7 in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 addresses situations where external events, including Force Majeure, make it impossible or unlawful for either party to fulfill contractual obligations. This clause is crucial for understanding the legal implications and financial settlements in such scenarios.

Key Components of Clause 19.7

  1. Scope of Events:
    • Covers events or circumstances beyond the control of the parties, extending beyond Force Majeure, that make contractual performance impossible or unlawful.
    • Includes any situation that legally entitles parties to be released from further performance under the law governing the contract.
  2. Mechanism for Release:
    • Activation of this clause requires notice by either party to the other about the occurrence of such an event.
    • Upon notice, both parties are discharged from further performance of the contract.
  3. Financial Settlements:
    • The financial settlement upon release under Clause 19.7 mirrors that of Clause 19.6.
    • The sum payable to the Contractor is calculated as it would have been under Clause 19.6, considering work done, costs incurred, and other relevant factors.

Implications and Practical Considerations

  • Legal Compliance: This clause emphasizes the importance of legal compliance and the impact of external legal circumstances on contractual obligations.
  • Financial Fairness: It ensures a fair approach to financial settlements, similar to those in Clause 19.6, safeguarding the interests of both parties.
  • Contractual Flexibility: Clause 19.7 provides flexibility in contract management, allowing for lawful termination of the contract in extraordinary circumstances.

Expert Opinion

  • Legal Perspective: Legal experts highlight the significance of this clause in providing a legal basis for contract termination, emphasizing its role in situations where continued performance becomes untenable.
  • Risk Management: From a risk management viewpoint, this clause is seen as a critical tool for mitigating unforeseen legal risks that could impact contract performance.

Diverse Interpretations of Clause 19.7: Release from Performance under the Law in FIDIC Yellow Book 1999

Purpose and Implications

  • Purpose: Clause 19.7 provides a legal framework for the termination of a contract when external events, including Force Majeure, render contractual obligations impossible or unlawful.
  • Implications: This clause ensures that parties are not unfairly penalized for non-performance due to circumstances beyond their control, including legal impediments.
See also  Clause 20.3: Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication Board

Primary Aspects and Uses

  1. Scope of Applicability:
    • Beyond Force Majeure: Encompasses events outside the typical scope of Force Majeure, including legal barriers to performance.
    • Use in Legal Compliance: Ensures contract termination aligns with legal requirements and external circumstances.
  2. Notification and Release Mechanism:
    • Activation by Notice: Requires either party to notify the other of the event leading to the impossibility or illegality of performance.
    • Use in Contract Management: Facilitates a formal process for acknowledging and acting upon such events.
  3. Financial Settlements:
    • Alignment with Clause 19.6: Financial settlements mirror those outlined in Clause 19.6, ensuring consistency and fairness.
    • Use in Financial Planning: Provides a clear basis for financial settlements post-termination, aiding in financial planning and risk mitigation.

Expert Opinion

  1. Legal Perspective:
    • Contractual Rights and Obligations: Legal experts emphasize the importance of this clause in protecting parties from legal and contractual risks associated with uncontrollable external events.
    • Importance of Compliance: Stresses the need for strict adherence to legal standards and the implications of external legal changes on contract performance.
  2. Project Management Viewpoint:
    • Strategic Decision-Making: Project managers see this clause as crucial for making informed decisions in the face of legal and external challenges, allowing for an organized exit from the contract.
    • Risk Mitigation: Highlights the role of this clause in mitigating risks associated with legal changes or external events.
  3. Risk Management Analysis:
    • Legal Risk Mitigation: Risk analysts focus on Clause 19.7 as a tool for managing legal risks and ensuring that contracts can adapt to changing legal landscapes.
    • Financial Implications: Emphasizes the importance of understanding the financial implications of contract termination under this clause.

Interaction of Clause 19.7 with Other Clauses in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999

Clause 19.7 in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999, concerning Release from Performance under the Law, interacts with several other clauses, creating a network of relationships that govern contract management under extraordinary circumstances. Let’s explore these interactions with varied phrasings and detailed explanations.

Interaction with Sub-Clause 19.2: Notice of Force Majeure

  1. Shared Effects: Clause 19.7 extends the concept of Force Majeure as outlined in Sub-Clause 19.2 to include legal impossibilities.
  2. Detailed Explanation: While Sub-Clause 19.2 addresses the notification of Force Majeure events, Clause 19.7 takes this further by encompassing situations where performance becomes impossible or unlawful, not just difficult or delayed.

Interaction with Clause 19.6: Optional Termination, Payment and Release

  1. Shared Effects: The financial settlements in Clause 19.7 are directly linked to those outlined in Clause 19.6.
  2. Detailed Explanation: Upon termination under Clause 19.7, the financial settlements are calculated as they would be under Clause 19.6. This ensures consistency in handling the financial aspects of contract termination, regardless of the specific grounds for termination.

Interaction with Sub-Clause 16.3: Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor’s Equipment

  1. Shared Effects: Procedures post-termination in Clause 19.7 align with those in Sub-Clause 16.3.
  2. Detailed Explanation: Following a termination under Clause 19.7, the Contractor must adhere to the cessation of work and removal of equipment procedures as detailed in Sub-Clause 16.3, ensuring an orderly conclusion to the project.

Interaction with Clause 20: Claims, Disputes, and Arbitration

  1. Shared Effects: Termination under Clause 19.7 may lead to claims or disputes that are addressed under Clause 20.
  2. Detailed Explanation: If there are disagreements regarding the application of Clause 19.7 or the resulting financial settlements, these would be resolved through the mechanisms provided in Clause 20, including arbitration or other dispute resolution processes.

Interaction with Clause 14: Contract Price and Payment

  1. Shared Effects: Financial settlements post-termination under Clause 19.7 are influenced by the provisions of Clause 14.
  2. Detailed Explanation: The calculation of payments for work done, costs of materials, and other incurred costs post-termination as per Clause 19.7, are guided by the principles and procedures established in Clause 14.

Key Points to Keep in Mind When Employing Clause 19.7: Release from Performance under the Law in FIDIC Yellow Book 1999

When employing Clause 19.7, it’s crucial to consider several key factors to ensure its effective implementation. These factors guide parties in appropriately managing contract termination due to extraordinary external circumstances.

1. Understanding the Scope of Applicable Events

  • Broad Range of Events: Recognize that Clause 19.7 covers a wide range of events beyond Force Majeure, including those that make contractual performance impossible or unlawful.
  • Legal Implications: Be aware of the legal context that might trigger this clause, such as changes in law or regulations that render performance unlawful.
See also  Force Majeure Mastery: Guide to FIDIC Clause 19.1

2. Notification Requirements

  • Timely Communication: Promptly notify the other party upon identifying an event that triggers Clause 19.7.
  • Clear and Detailed Notification: Ensure that the notification is clear, detailed, and substantiated, explaining why the event leads to the impossibility or illegality of performance.

3. Financial Settlements

  • Alignment with Clause 19.6: Understand that the financial settlements will be calculated as per the provisions of Clause 19.6.
  • Components of Settlement: Familiarize yourself with the components that make up the settlement, including payment for work done, costs of materials, and other reasonable costs.

4. Post-Termination Procedures

  • Adherence to Sub-Clause 16.3: Follow the procedures outlined in Sub-Clause 16.3 for cessation of work and removal of equipment.
  • Orderly Project Closure: Plan for an orderly closure or handover of the project, minimizing disruptions.

5. Legal and Contractual Compliance

  • Alignment with Contract Terms: Ensure that all actions are in line with the terms of the contract and the provisions of Clause 19.7.
  • Compliance with Local Laws: The implementation should also align with relevant local laws and regulations.

6. Preparation for Potential Disputes

  • Dispute Resolution Readiness: Be prepared for potential disputes related to the application of Clause 19.7, ensuring familiarity with the dispute resolution processes outlined in Clause 20.

Essential Factors in Implementing Clause 19.7: Release from Performance under the Law in FIDIC Yellow Book 1999

Implementing Clause 19.7 effectively in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 requires attention to several key factors:

1. Accurate Identification of Triggering Events

  • Broad Event Scope: Understand that Clause 19.7 applies to a wide range of events beyond Force Majeure, including those making performance impossible or unlawful.
  • Legal Context Awareness: Be aware of the legal circumstances or changes in law that could activate this clause.

2. Timely and Clear Notification

  • Prompt Notification: Notify the other party as soon as an event triggering Clause 19.7 is identified.
  • Detailed Communication: The notification should be detailed, explaining the nature of the event and its impact on contractual obligations.

3. Understanding Financial Settlements

  • Alignment with Clause 19.6: Financial settlements under Clause 19.7 follow the framework set out in Clause 19.6.
  • Components of Settlement: Familiarize with the components of the settlement, including payments for work done, costs of materials, and other reasonable costs.

4. Adherence to Post-Termination Procedures

  • Following Sub-Clause 16.3: Upon termination, follow the procedures for cessation of work and removal of equipment as per Sub-Clause 16.3.
  • Orderly Project Closure: Plan for an orderly and efficient closure or handover of the project.

5. Legal and Contractual Compliance

  • Contract Terms Alignment: Ensure actions align with the contract terms and the provisions of Clause 19.7.
  • Local Law Considerations: Consider any local legal requirements that may impact the termination process.

6. Preparation for Potential Disputes

  • Dispute Resolution Readiness: Be prepared for potential disputes related to the application of Clause 19.7, ensuring familiarity with the dispute resolution processes in Clause 20.

Process Flowchart for Implementing Clause 19.7

Detailed Explanation of the Process Flowchart for Implementing Clause 19.7

  1. Event Making Performance Impossible or Unlawful: The process initiates when an external event occurs that legally or practically makes it impossible or unlawful to fulfill contractual obligations. This could be a change in law or an unforeseen event beyond Force Majeure.
  2. Assess Event Impact:
    • Evaluation: The affected party must evaluate the event’s impact on their ability to perform under the contract.
    • Scope of Impact: This assessment includes understanding the legal implications and the extent to which the contract can no longer be fulfilled.
  3. Issue Notification of Event:
    • Formal Notification: The party must formally notify the other party of the event and its impact, invoking Clause 19.7.
    • Details in Notification: The notification should detail the nature of the event and the reasons for the impossibility or illegality of performance.
  4. Decision Point – Does Event Trigger Clause 19.7?:
    • Assessment: Determine whether the event meets the criteria to trigger Clause 19.7.
    • Yes: If it does, the parties are released from further performance.
    • No: If not, the contract continues under existing terms.
  5. Financial Settlement as per Clause 19.6:
    • Settlement Calculation: The financial settlement is calculated following the guidelines set out in Clause 19.6.
    • Components of Settlement: This includes payment for work done, costs of materials, and other reasonable costs incurred.
  6. Issue Payment Certificate:
    • Finalizing Settlement: A payment certificate is issued for the agreed settlement amount, finalizing the financial aspects of the contract termination.
  7. End of Process:
    • Contract Termination: The process concludes with the termination of the contract, marking the end of contractual obligations due to the triggering event.
See also  Comprehensive Analysis of Clause 20.6 Arbitration

Sequence Diagram: Implementing Clause 19.7

Detailed Explanation:

  1. Event Occurrence: The sequence begins with an external event that makes it impossible or unlawful to fulfill contractual obligations.
  2. Notification of Event Impact: The Contractor notifies the Project Manager (PM) about the event and its impact on the contract.
  3. Confirmation of Clause 19.7 Applicability:
    • The PM confirms whether the event triggers Clause 19.7, leading to a potential release from the contract.
  4. Preparation for Contract Release:
    • If Clause 19.7 is applicable, the Contractor prepares for the release from the contract.
  5. Request for Financial Settlement Determination:
    • The PM requests the Engineer to determine the financial settlement as per Clause 19.6.
  6. Determination of Settlement:
    • The Engineer determines the settlement, including the value of work done and other costs.
  7. Communication of Settlement:
    • The PM communicates the settlement details to the Contractor.
  8. Proceeding with Contract Release:
    • The Contractor proceeds with the necessary steps for the release from the contract.
  9. Overseeing Contract Closure:
    • The PM oversees the contract closure process.
  10. Completion of Closure Procedures:
  • The Contractor completes all necessary closure procedures.
  1. Finalization of Project Termination:
  • The PM finalizes the termination of the project.
  1. Termination Report:
  • The Engineer provides a report on the termination, marking the end of the contractual obligations under Clause 19.7.


1. Checklist for Proficient Execution and Deployment of Clause 19.7

StepAction ItemDetailsResponsible Party
1Identify Triggering EventsMonitor for events making performance impossible or unlawfulContractor/Project Manager
2Evaluate Event ImpactAssess if the event triggers Clause 19.7Contractor/Project Manager
3Notify Other PartyIssue formal notification of the event’s impactContractor
4Confirm Clause ApplicabilityDetermine if Clause 19.7 applies to the situationProject Manager
5Prepare for Contract ReleasePlan steps for contract release if Clause 19.7 is applicableContractor
6Request Financial SettlementAsk Engineer for financial settlement determinationProject Manager
7Communicate SettlementInform Contractor of the financial settlementProject Manager
8Oversee Contract ClosureManage the closure process of the contractProject Manager
9DocumentationKeep detailed records of the process and decisionsContractor

2. Checklist for Applying and Overseeing Clause 19.7

StepAction ItemDetailsResponsible Party
1Clause FamiliarizationUnderstand the provisions and implications of Clause 19.7Contractor/Project Manager
2Monitor External EventsStay vigilant for events that could trigger Clause 19.7Contractor
3Legal ReviewConsult legal advisors on the applicability of Clause 19.7Project Manager
4Communication StrategyDevelop a strategy for notifying parties and stakeholdersContractor/Project Manager
5Financial PlanningAnticipate financial implications and settlementsProject Manager
6Compliance CheckEnsure actions comply with the contract and local lawsProject Manager
7Record KeepingDocument the process and decisions for future referenceContractor

3. Checklist for Guiding and Monitoring the Execution of Clause 19.7

StepAction ItemDetailsResponsible Party
1Event IdentificationRecognize events that may trigger Clause 19.7Contractor
2Notification ProcessEnsure timely and accurate notification of the eventContractor
3Assessment of ApplicabilityConfirm the applicability of Clause 19.7Project Manager
4Financial Settlement PreparationPrepare for financial settlements as per Clause 19.6Contractor/Project Manager
5Settlement CommunicationClearly communicate the financial settlement detailsProject Manager
6Contract Release ProceduresImplement procedures for contract releaseContractor
7Closure and HandoverManage the closure and handover processProject Manager
8Final ReportingCompile a comprehensive report post-contract releaseContractor

Sample Letters for Different Scenarios Related to Clause 19.7

Scenario 1: Notifying of an Event Triggering Clause 19.7

Subject: Notification of Event Triggering Clause 19.7

Dear [Project Manager/Contractor’s Name],

I am writing to formally notify you of an event that has arisen, making it impossible (or unlawful) for us to fulfill our contractual obligations under the Contract [Contract Number]. As per Clause 19.7 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999, this event [briefly describe the event and its impact] necessitates the consideration of release from performance under the law.

We have assessed the situation and believe that this event falls within the scope of Clause 19.7. We are prepared to provide any additional information required for your assessment.

We await your confirmation on the applicability of Clause 19.7 and further instructions on the next steps.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Company]

Scenario 2: Confirming Applicability of Clause 19.7

Subject: Confirmation of Applicability of Clause 19.7

Dear [Contractor’s Name],

We acknowledge the receipt of your notification regarding the event [describe the event] and its impact on our contractual obligations under Contract [Contract Number]. After careful review, we concur that this event triggers Clause 19.7 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999, leading to a release from performance under the law.

We will proceed with the necessary steps as outlined in the contract and will be in touch shortly regarding the financial settlement and closure procedures.

Please ensure that all necessary documentation regarding this event is maintained for record-keeping and settlement purposes.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Company]

Scenario 3: Discussing Financial Settlement Post-Clause 19.7 Release

Subject: Financial Settlement Following Clause 19.7 Release

Dear [Contractor’s Name],

Following our agreement on the applicability of Clause 19.7 for Contract [Contract Number], we must now discuss the financial settlement. As per the clause, the settlement will be determined in line with the provisions of Clause 19.6.

We have instructed our Engineer to calculate the value of the work done, costs of materials, and other relevant expenses. Once we receive this determination, we will issue a Payment Certificate reflecting these amounts.

We appreciate your cooperation in this process and assure you of a fair and transparent settlement.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Company]

FAQs: Clause 19.7 Release from Performance under the Law in FIDIC Yellow Book 1999

What is Clause 19.7 in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999?

Clause 19.7 addresses situations where external events, including but not limited to Force Majeure, make it impossible or unlawful for either party to fulfill contractual obligations. It provides a legal basis for parties to be released from further performance of the contract.

When can Clause 19.7 be invoked?

This clause can be invoked when an event outside the control of the parties, such as a change in law or other extraordinary circumstances, makes the performance of the contract impossible or unlawful.

What happens after invoking Clause 19.7?

Upon invoking Clause 19.7, both parties are discharged from further performance of the contract. However, rights in respect of any previous breach remain unaffected.

How are financial settlements handled under Clause 19.7?

The financial settlements are handled as they would be under Clause 19.6, which includes payments for work done, costs of materials, and other reasonable costs incurred.

Does Clause 19.7 apply only to Force Majeure events?

No, Clause 19.7 extends beyond Force Majeure to include any event outside the control of the parties that legally prevents or makes it unlawful to continue with contract performance.

Common Misunderstandings Associated with Clause 19.7

  1. Limited to Force Majeure: A common misconception is that Clause 19.7 applies only to Force Majeure events. In reality, it covers a broader range of external events, including legal changes.
  2. Immediate Effect: Some may mistakenly believe that invoking Clause 19.7 immediately releases parties from the contract. Proper notification and assessment are required before release.
  3. Full Compensation: There is often confusion that invoking Clause 19.7 leads to full compensation for all losses. The financial settlement follows the structure of Clause 19.6, focusing on specific cost elements.

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