Employer’s Financial Arrangements – Clause 2.4 of FIDIC Yellow Book

Clause 2.4 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999, titled “Employer’s Financial Arrangements,” is a critical provision that ensures the financial viability of the project. It is designed to provide the Contractor with assurance about the Employer’s financial capability to fulfill its obligations under the contract.


The primary purpose of this clause is to provide the Contractor with the right to request evidence of the Employer’s financial arrangements to complete the project. This clause is crucial for the Contractor to have confidence in the Employer’s ability to pay and the project’s successful completion.


The implications of this clause are significant for both the Employer and the Contractor. For the Employer, there is a requirement to provide satisfactory evidence of its financial arrangements within 28 days of the Contractor’s request. If the Employer fails to provide this evidence or if the evidence is not satisfactory, the Contractor may suspend work or even terminate the contract.

For the Contractor, this clause provides assurance of the Employer’s capability to finance the project. If the evidence provided by the Employer is not satisfactory, the Contractor has the right to suspend or terminate the work, providing a level of protection.

Key Considerations

Key considerations when dealing with this clause include the timely request and provision of evidence to prevent unnecessary delays in the project. The Contractor must also carefully assess the provided evidence to ensure the Employer’s financial capability. If the evidence is unsatisfactory, the Contractor must consider the implications of suspending or terminating the work.

See also  Clause 18.1 General Requirements for Insurances: Navigating FIDIC Contract Insurance Obligations


Here is a flowchart to help visualize the process and implications of Clause 2.4:

Financial Arrangements

Let’s break down the flowchart titled “Flowchart: Functionality and Implications of [CLAUSE]” based on the previously provided flowchart for Clause 2.4 – Employer’s Financial Arrangements:

Flowchart: Functionality and Implications of Clause 2.4 – Employer’s Financial Arrangements

  1. Start: Understanding Clause 2.4:
    • This is the entry point of the flowchart, indicating the beginning of the process to understand the functionality and implications of Clause 2.4.
  2. Employer’s Financial Arrangements:
    • This node represents the core subject of the flowchart, which is the Employer’s financial arrangements as stipulated in Clause 2.4.
  3. Requirement for the Employer:
    • This node highlights the primary obligation of the Employer under this clause.
  4. Provide evidence of financial arrangements:
    • The Employer is required to furnish evidence of their financial capability to complete the project.
  5. Within 28 days of Contractor’s request:
    • The Employer must provide the evidence within a stipulated timeframe of 28 days upon the Contractor’s request.
  6. If not provided:
    • This decision node considers the scenario where the Employer fails to provide the necessary evidence within the given timeframe.
  7. Contractor may suspend work:
    • One of the implications of the Employer’s failure to provide evidence is that the Contractor has the right to suspend the work.
  8. Contractor may terminate contract:
    • Another implication is that the Contractor may choose to terminate the contract if they deem the Employer’s financial capability unsatisfactory.
  9. Implications for the Contractor:
    • This node delves into the consequences and considerations for the Contractor based on the Employer’s financial arrangements.
  10. Assurance of Employer’s capability:
  • The Contractor seeks assurance regarding the Employer’s financial capability to ensure the project’s successful completion.
  1. If evidence is not satisfactory:
  • This decision node contemplates the scenario where the provided evidence does not meet the Contractor’s expectations.
  1. Right to suspend or terminate work:
  • As previously mentioned, the Contractor has the right to either suspend the work or terminate the contract based on unsatisfactory evidence.
  1. Key Considerations:
  • This node highlights the essential points that both parties should consider regarding Clause 2.4.
  1. Timely request and provision of evidence:
  • Both parties should ensure that the request for evidence and its provision are done promptly to prevent unnecessary delays.
  1. Assessment of the provided evidence:
  • The Contractor should meticulously evaluate the evidence provided by the Employer to ascertain their financial capability.
  1. Actions on unsatisfactory evidence:
  • This node emphasizes the potential actions the Contractor might take if the evidence is deemed unsatisfactory.
See also  Clause 4.11: Sufficiency of the Accepted Contract Amount

The flowchart visually represents the process, decisions, and implications associated with Clause 2.4, providing a clear and structured understanding of the clause’s functionality and implications.

Here’s a flowchart showcasing the execution of Clause 2.4 and its associations with other clauses:

Financial Arrangements
  • Start: Execution of Clause 2.4: This is the entry point of the flowchart, indicating the initiation of the execution of Clause 2.4.
  • Clause 2.4 Execution: Employer’s Financial Arrangements: Represents the core execution of Clause 2.4, which deals with the Employer’s financial arrangements.
  • Associated Clause: 2.3 – Employer’s Personnel: This node represents Clause 2.3, which might have implications or associations with Clause 2.4.
  • Implications: Assurance of Employer’s capability: This node delves into the implications of Clause 2.3, especially in the context of the Employer’s financial capability.
  • Associated Clause: 2.5 – Employer’s Claims: Represents Clause 2.5, which might be associated with Clause 2.4, especially in terms of financial adjustments and claims.
  • Implications: Financial adjustments and claims: This node highlights the potential financial implications arising from Clause 2.5.
  • Associated Clause: 2.6 – Contractor’s Entitlement to Suspend Work: This node represents Clause 2.6, which is directly linked to Clause 2.4, especially when the Contractor considers the financial evidence unsatisfactory.
  • Implications: Actions based on unsatisfactory financial evidence: This node provides insights into the potential actions the Contractor might take based on unsatisfactory financial evidence.
  • End of Clause 2.4 Execution: This node signifies the conclusion of the execution of Clause 2.4.
Financial Arrangements

Sample Letters

A sample letter from the Contractor to the Employer requesting evidence of financial arrangements could be as follows:

See also  Schedule of Payments - Understanding Clause 14.4 [of FIDIC Yellow Book 1999]

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


[Employer’s Name]

[Employer’s Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Request for Evidence of Financial Arrangements

Dear [Employer’s Name],

In accordance with Clause 2.4 of our contract, we kindly request that you provide evidence of your financial arrangements to complete the project [Project Name]. This evidence is crucial for us to continue our work with confidence in the project’s successful completion.

We look forward to receiving this evidence within the stipulated 28 days.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name]


Here is a checklist to help ensure compliance with Clause 2.4:

Request for evidence of financial arrangements sent[ ]
Evidence received within 28 days[ ]
Assessment of the provided evidence[ ]
Decision on further actions (continue, suspend, or terminate work)[ ]

This comprehensive explanation should provide a clear understanding of Clause 2.4 – Employer’s Financial Arrangements. However, it is always recommended to seek legal advice when dealing with contract clauses and their implications.

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