Clause 20.3: Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication Board

Purpose and Implications

Clause 20.3 serves as a safety net in the FIDIC contract framework, ensuring that the Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) remains functional even when parties fail to agree on the appointment of a new member. This clause is activated under specific circumstances, such as the death, disability, resignation, or termination of a DAB member. The appointing entity or official named in the Appendix to Tender steps in to make a final and conclusive appointment, ensuring that the dispute resolution process is not stalled. Both parties are equally responsible for the remuneration of the appointing entity or official.

Interaction with Other Clauses

This clause closely interacts with other clauses related to dispute resolution, such as Clause 20.2 (Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board) and Clause 20.4 (Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision). It acts as a bridge to ensure the continuity of the DAB, thereby allowing other clauses to function effectively.

Key Points to Keep in Mind

  1. Timeliness: The appointing entity has 42 days to make a new appointment.
  2. Cost-Sharing: Both parties share the cost of the appointing entity or official.
  3. Finality: The appointment made is final and conclusive.
See also  Clause 10.2 Taking Over of Parts of the Works

Real-World Instances and Case Studies

In a construction project in Southeast Asia, the parties couldn’t agree on a new DAB member after the resignation of the previous one. Clause 20.3 was activated, and the appointing entity stepped in to make a new appointment, ensuring that a pending dispute was resolved without unnecessary delays.

Checklists for Clause 20.3

Checklist for Proficient Execution of Clause 20.3

TaskResponsible PartyDeadlineStatus
Identify triggering event for Clause 20.3Both PartiesImmediatePending
Notify the other party of the triggering eventInitiating Party7 DaysPending
Consult with the other party for a new appointmentBoth Parties14 DaysPending
Request appointing entity to actBoth Parties42 DaysPending
Confirm new appointmentAppointing Entity42 DaysPending

Checklist for Overseeing Clause 20.3

TaskCheckpointVerification Method
Triggering event identifiedYes/NoDocumented Evidence
Other party notifiedYes/NoWritten Communication
Consultation between partiesYes/NoMeeting Minutes
Request to appointing entity sentYes/NoWritten Request
New appointment confirmedYes/NoOfficial Letter

Checklist for Monitoring Clause 20.3

Identification of triggering eventYes/No 
Notification to the other partyYes/No 
Consultation for new appointmentYes/No 
Request to appointing entityYes/No 
Confirmation of new appointmentYes/No 

This comprehensive guide should provide a well-rounded understanding of Clause 20.3: Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication Board and its practical implications within the FIDIC framework.

Sample Letters

Sample Letter 1: Request for Replacement of DAB Member

[Your Company’s Letterhead]


[Recipient’s Address]

Subject: Request for Replacement of DAB Member under Clause 20.3

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

See also  Clause 20.8 Expiry of Dispute Adjudication Board's Appointment

We refer to the contract dated [Contract Date] for [Project Description].

It has come to our attention that [Name of DAB Member] has declined to act/is unable to act due to [Reason]. As per Clause 20.3 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999, we are required to agree upon the appointment of a replacement member within 42 days.

We propose [Name of Proposed Replacement] as the replacement member for the Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB). Kindly confirm your agreement to this appointment by [Date].

If we fail to agree upon the appointment within the stipulated 42 days, we will have to involve the appointing entity as specified in the Appendix to Tender.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and confirm your agreement or provide an alternative proposal within [Number of Days].

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]

Sample Letter 2: Request to Appointing Entity for Replacement Member

[Your Company’s Letterhead]


[Appointing Entity’s Address]

Subject: Request for Appointment of Replacement DAB Member under Clause 20.3

Dear [Appointing Entity’s Name],

We refer to the contract dated [Contract Date] for [Project Description].

As per Clause 20.3, we have failed to agree upon the appointment of a replacement member for the Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) within the stipulated 42 days.

We hereby request you to appoint a replacement member after due consultation with both Parties. This appointment will be final and conclusive, and each Party will be responsible for paying one-half of your remuneration.

We look forward to your prompt action in this matter.

Yours sincerely,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]


Dispute Adjudication Board
  • Start: The flowchart begins when Clause 20.3 is triggered.
  • Conditions: Four conditions can lead to the activation of this clause.
    • Parties fail to agree on a sole member: When the parties can’t agree on a single DAB member.
    • Failure to nominate a member: When either party fails to nominate a member.
    • Failure to agree on a third member: When the parties can’t agree on the third DAB member.
    • Failure to appoint a replacement within 42 days: When a replacement isn’t appointed within the stipulated time.
  • Appointing Entity: In all these cases, the appointing entity named in the Appendix to Tender steps in.
  • Final and Conclusive Appointment: The appointment made by the entity is final and binding.
  • Each Party pays one-half of remuneration: Both parties are responsible for paying half of the remuneration for the appointing entity.
  • End: The process concludes.
See also  Clause 11.9 Performance Certificate: The Ultimate Guide to Project Closure in FIDIC Yellow Book 1999
Dispute Adjudication Board
  • Start: The flowchart begins at the activation of Clause 20.3.
  • Conditions: Similar to the first flowchart, it outlines the conditions that can trigger this clause.
  • Appointing Entity: The appointing entity named in the Appendix to Tender is involved in all scenarios.
  • Final and Conclusive Appointment: The appointment is final and binding.
  • Each Party pays one-half of remuneration: Both parties share the cost.
  • Refer to Clause 20.6 Arbitration: If the DAB’s decision is not satisfactory, the matter may be referred to arbitration as per Clause 20.6.
  • End: The process concludes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Clause 20.3: Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication Board

What is Clause 20.3 in FIDIC Contracts?

Clause 20.3 deals with the scenario where parties fail to agree on the appointment of a Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB). It outlines the steps to be taken when such a failure occurs.

When is Clause 20.3 activated?

This clause is activated when the parties involved in the contract fail to agree upon the appointment of a DAB member or a replacement member within a stipulated time frame, usually 42 days.

What happens if the parties can’t agree on a DAB member?

If the parties can’t agree on a DAB member, the appointing entity or official named in the Appendix to Tender will step in to make the appointment.

Is the appointment made by the appointing entity final?

Yes, the appointment made by the appointing entity is final and conclusive.

Who bears the cost of the appointing entity?

Both parties are responsible for paying one-half of the remuneration of the appointing entity or official.

What are the conditions that can lead to the activation of Clause 20.3?

There are four main conditions:

  1. Parties fail to agree on a sole DAB member.
  2. Either party fails to nominate a DAB member.
  3. Parties fail to agree on a third DAB member.
  4. Failure to appoint a replacement within 42 days.

Can Clause 20.3 lead to arbitration?

Yes, if the DAB’s decision is not satisfactory, the matter may be referred to arbitration as per Clause 20.6.

How does Clause 20.3 interact with other clauses?

Clause 20.3 is closely related to other clauses in the FIDIC contract, such as Clause 20.1 for Contractor’s Claims, Clause 20.2 for Appointment of the DAB, and Clause 20.6 for Arbitration.

What is the role of the Appendix to Tender in Clause 20.3?

The Appendix to Tender usually names the appointing entity or official who will step in to make the appointment if the parties fail to agree.

What should parties keep in mind when dealing with Clause 20.3?

Both parties should be prepared to share the cost of the appointing entity and should be aware that the appointment made is final and binding.

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