Final Payment Certificate in FIDIC Contracts: Navigating Clause 14.13 for Successful Project Closure


Clause 14.13 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 deals with the issuance of the Final Payment Certificate, a crucial document in construction contracts. This clause outlines the process and conditions under which the Final Payment Certificate is issued, marking the financial closure of the project.

Key Components:

  1. Timeframe for Issuance: The Engineer must issue the Final Payment Certificate within 28 days after receiving the Final Statement and written discharge as per Sub-Clauses 14.11 and 14.12.
  2. Contents of the Certificate: The certificate states the final amount due and balances any previous payments and entitlements, determining the net amount due to or from the Contractor.
  3. Contractor’s Application: The Contractor is expected to apply for the Final Payment Certificate in accordance with Sub-Clauses 14.11 and 14.12. If the Contractor fails to do so, the Engineer is authorized to issue the certificate based on a fair determination of the amount due.
  4. Engineer’s Role: The Engineer plays a pivotal role in assessing, calculating, and issuing the Final Payment Certificate. This role includes ensuring all contractual and project completion aspects are met before issuing the certificate.

Process Flow:

  1. Receipt of Final Statement and Discharge: The process begins with the Engineer receiving the Final Statement and written discharge from the Contractor.
  2. Engineer’s Assessment: The Engineer evaluates the Final Statement and discharge for completeness and accuracy.
  3. Issuance of Certificate: Within 28 days of receiving these documents, the Engineer issues the Final Payment Certificate, detailing the final amount due and the balance after accounting for previous payments and entitlements.
  4. In Case of Non-Submission by Contractor: If the Contractor does not apply for the certificate, the Engineer requests the Contractor to do so. Failing the Contractor’s response within 28 days, the Engineer issues the certificate based on a fair determination.

When is This Clause Applicable?

  • This clause is applicable at the final stage of the project, marking the completion of all contractual obligations.
  • It is triggered after the submission of the Final Statement and discharge by the Contractor.
  • It is also applicable in cases where the Contractor fails to apply for the Final Payment Certificate, empowering the Engineer to make a fair determination.

General Overview:

Clause 14.13 is a critical component in the FIDIC contract, ensuring a clear and fair process for settling the final financial obligations between the Employer and the Contractor. It emphasizes the Engineer’s role in the fair and timely issuance of the Final Payment Certificate, which is essential for the financial closure of the project. This clause ensures that all financial matters are conclusively settled, reflecting the completion of the project and the fulfillment of contractual obligations.

Purpose and Implications:

Clause 14.13 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 outlines the procedure for issuing the Final Payment Certificate. This clause is crucial as it signifies the final financial settlement between the Employer and the Contractor. It ensures that all due payments are made and that any outstanding balances are settled.

Primary Aspects:

  1. Timeframe: The Engineer has 28 days after receiving the Final Statement and written discharge to issue the Final Payment Certificate.
  2. Content of the Certificate: The certificate states the final amount due and the balance due from either the Employer to the Contractor or vice versa.
  3. Procedure in Absence of Application: If the Contractor fails to apply for the Final Payment Certificate, the Engineer is required to issue it based on a fair determination of the amount due.
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Expert Opinion:

Experts in FIDIC contracts emphasize the importance of this clause in finalizing the financial aspects of the contract. It’s a critical step in contract closure, ensuring that all financial obligations are fulfilled. The role of the Engineer here is pivotal in determining the final amounts and ensuring fairness and compliance with the contract terms.


  • Final Settlement: It’s used for the final financial settlement between the parties.
  • Dispute Resolution: In cases of disputes over final payments, this clause provides a structured process for resolution.
  • Record-Keeping: It serves as an official record of the final financial transactions in the project.

Interaction of Clause 14.13 with Other Clauses:

Clause 14.13, “Issue of Final Payment Certificate,” interacts with several other clauses in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999. Understanding these interactions is crucial for a comprehensive grasp of the contract’s financial closure process.

  1. Interaction with Sub-Clause 14.11 [Application for Final Payment Certificate]:
    • Nature of Interaction: Clause 14.13 is directly dependent on the Contractor’s application as per Sub-Clause 14.11.
    • Shared Effect: The application for the Final Payment Certificate triggers the process under Clause 14.13. Without this application, the Engineer’s role in issuing the Final Payment Certificate is activated.
  2. Interaction with Sub-Clause 14.12 [Discharge]:
    • Nature of Interaction: The issuance of the Final Payment Certificate as per Clause 14.13 requires a written discharge from the Contractor, as stated in Sub-Clause 14.12.
    • Shared Effect: The discharge confirms that the Contractor has no further claims, enabling the Engineer to issue the Final Payment Certificate. This interaction ensures that all claims are settled before the final financial closure.
  3. Interaction with Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations]:
    • Nature of Interaction: In cases where the Contractor fails to apply for the Final Payment Certificate, the Engineer’s determination as per Sub-Clause 3.5 becomes relevant.
    • Shared Effect: The Engineer’s authority to make fair determinations under Sub-Clause 3.5 is extended to Clause 14.13, allowing for the issuance of the Final Payment Certificate based on the Engineer’s assessment.
  4. Interaction with Clause 20 [Claims, Disputes and Arbitration]:
    • Nature of Interaction: Any unresolved claims or disputes under Clause 20 can impact the final settlement under Clause 14.13.
    • Shared Effect: The resolution of claims and disputes is essential before the issuance of the Final Payment Certificate, ensuring that all financial aspects of the contract are conclusively settled.
  5. Interaction with Sub-Clause 14.3 [Application for Interim Payment Certificates]:
    • Nature of Interaction: The interim payments and their documentation under Sub-Clause 14.3 lay the groundwork for the final settlement in Clause 14.13.
    • Shared Effect: The history of interim payments and any adjustments made are taken into account in the final settlement process, ensuring continuity and consistency in financial transactions throughout the contract duration.

Varied Phrasings for Elaboration:

  • The symbiotic relationship between Clause 14.13 and Sub-Clause 14.11 & 14.12 ensures a seamless transition to the final financial closure of the project.
  • Clause 14.13 and Sub-Clause 3.5 converge when the Contractor fails to apply for the Final Payment Certificate, highlighting the critical role of the Engineer in fair determinations.
  • The interplay between Clause 14.13 and Clause 20 underscores the necessity of resolving all claims and disputes prior to the final financial settlement.
  • The cumulative effect of interim payments under Sub-Clause 14.3 is integral to the final settlement process in Clause 14.13, ensuring a holistic financial closure.

These interactions highlight the interconnected nature of the clauses in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999, particularly in the context of financial settlements and the closure of the contract.

Key Points to consider when Employing Clause 14.13 “Issue of Final Payment Certificate”

When employing Clause 14.13 “Issue of Final Payment Certificate” from the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999, it’s essential to focus on several key points to ensure a smooth and compliant process:

  1. Timely Application for Final Payment Certificate:
    • The Contractor must apply for the Final Payment Certificate as per the guidelines in Sub-Clause 14.11. This is a critical step to initiate the final payment process.
  2. Requirement of Written Discharge:
    • A written discharge as outlined in Sub-Clause 14.12 is necessary. This discharge confirms that the Contractor has no further claims against the Employer, paving the way for the final settlement.
  3. Engineer’s Role in Issuance:
    • The Engineer has the responsibility to issue the Final Payment Certificate within 28 days of receiving the Final Statement and the written discharge.
  4. Details in the Final Payment Certificate:
    • The certificate should state the final amount due and the balance due from either the Employer to the Contractor or vice versa, after accounting for all previous payments and entitlements.
  5. Engineer’s Determination in Absence of Application:
    • If the Contractor fails to apply for the Final Payment Certificate, the Engineer must request the Contractor to do so. Failing the Contractor’s response within 28 days, the Engineer is empowered to issue the Final Payment Certificate based on a fair determination.
  6. Consideration of Previous Payments and Claims:
    • All previous payments and any sums to which the Employer is entitled should be credited in the final calculation.
  7. Resolution of Outstanding Claims:
    • Ensure that all claims and disputes, potentially under Clause 20, are resolved before issuing the Final Payment Certificate, as this certificate signifies the financial closure of the contract.
  8. Compliance with Contractual Timelines:
    • Adhering to the specified timelines, especially the 28-day window for the Engineer’s actions, is crucial for compliance and to avoid potential disputes or delays.
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By focusing on these main points, parties involved in a FIDIC contract can effectively navigate the complexities of Clause 14.13, ensuring a clear and conclusive end to the financial aspects of the contract.

Essential Factors in Implementing Clause 14.13 “Issue of Final Payment Certificate”

  1. Compliance with Contractual Procedures:
    • Strict adherence to the procedures outlined in the FIDIC contract, especially those in Sub-Clauses 14.11 and 14.12, is crucial.
  2. Timely Submission and Processing:
    • The Contractor must submit the Final Statement and written discharge in a timely manner. The Engineer, in turn, has a 28-day window to issue the Final Payment Certificate.
  3. Accuracy of Calculations:
    • Ensuring the accuracy of the final amount due, including all previous payments and entitlements, is vital for the correct settlement.
  4. Resolution of Disputes and Claims:
    • All outstanding claims or disputes, particularly those under Clause 20, should be resolved before the Final Payment Certificate is issued.
  5. Clear Communication:
    • Effective communication between the Contractor, the Engineer, and the Employer is necessary to avoid misunderstandings and delays.
  6. Documentation and Record-Keeping:
    • Maintaining comprehensive records of all transactions, claims, and communications related to the project is essential for transparency and reference.
  7. Understanding of Contractual Rights and Obligations:
    • Both parties should have a clear understanding of their rights and obligations under the contract to ensure compliance and avoid disputes.

Sequence of Interactions Related to Clause 14.13:

  1. Contractor’s Action:
    • The Contractor prepares and submits the Final Statement along with a written discharge as per Sub-Clause 14.11.
  2. Engineer’s Request (if needed):
    • If the Contractor fails to submit the required documents, the Engineer requests the Contractor to do so within a specified period (28 days).
  3. Engineer’s Review and Determination:
    • The Engineer reviews the submitted documents. If the Contractor fails to submit within the requested period, the Engineer makes a fair determination of the amount due.
  4. Issue of Final Payment Certificate:
    • Within 28 days of receiving the necessary documents, the Engineer issues the Final Payment Certificate, stating the final amount due and the balance payable by either party.
  5. Final Settlement:
    • The Final Payment Certificate leads to the final financial settlement between the Employer and the Contractor, considering all previous payments and entitlements.
  6. Closure of Financial Obligations:
    • The issuance of the Final Payment Certificate signifies the closure of financial obligations under the contract, barring any unresolved disputes or claims.

By following these steps and considering the essential factors, parties involved can effectively implement Clause 14.13, ensuring a smooth conclusion to the financial aspects of their FIDIC contract.

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Final Payment Certificate

Detailed Explanation of the Flowchart:

  1. Start (Pink Oval): The process begins with the implementation of Clause 14.13.
  2. Contractor Prepares Final Statement and Written Discharge (Light Grey Rectangle): The Contractor is responsible for preparing and submitting the final statement and written discharge.
  3. Decision Point (Peach Diamond): The Engineer checks if the Contractor has submitted the required documents.
  4. Engineer Reviews Documents (Teal Rectangle): If the documents are submitted, the Engineer reviews them.
  5. Engineer Requests Submission within 28 Days (Yellow Rectangle): If the Contractor has not submitted the documents, the Engineer requests them within a 28-day period.
  6. Second Decision Point (Peach Diamond): The Engineer checks if the Contractor submitted the documents within the new 28-day deadline.
  7. Engineer Determines Amount Due (Red Rectangle): If the Contractor fails to submit within 28 days, the Engineer determines the amount due.
  8. Issue Final Payment Certificate within 28 Days (Teal Rectangle): The Engineer issues the Final Payment Certificate within 28 days after receiving the documents.
  9. Final Settlement Between Employer and Contractor (Yellow Rectangle): This step involves the final financial settlement between the Employer and the Contractor.
  10. End (Pink Oval): The process ends with the financial obligations between the parties being closed.
Final Payment Certificate

This diagram illustrates the sequence of interactions between the Contractor, Engineer, and Employer as per Clause 14.13. The process begins with the Contractor submitting the Final Statement and Written Discharge to the Engineer. If the Contractor has not applied for a Final Payment Certificate, the Engineer requests the Contractor to do so within 28 days. If the Contractor fails to submit within this period, the Engineer fairly determines to be due and issues the Final Payment Certificate to the Employer. The final step involves the Employer settling the final amount with the Contractor.

Structured Checklists

Checklist 1: Proficient Execution and Deployment of Clause 14.13

StepAction ItemNotes
1Review Clause 14.13 RequirementsUnderstand the timelines and documentation required.
2Prepare Final StatementEnsure accuracy and completeness.
3Obtain Written DischargeAs per Sub-Clause 14.12.
4Submit Documents to EngineerWithin the specified timeframe.
5Follow up with EngineerEnsure timely issuance of the Final Payment Certificate.

Checklist 2: Applying and Overseeing Clause 14.13

StepAction ItemResponsible Party
1Verify Submission of Final StatementContractor
2Ensure Written Discharge is in PlaceContractor
3Request Final Payment CertificateEngineer
4Issue Final Payment CertificateEngineer
5Process Final PaymentEmployer

Checklist 3: Monitoring Execution of Clause 14.13

StepAction ItemCompliance Check
1Submission of Final StatementOn time and complete?
2Written Discharge ObtainedIs it as per requirements?
3Engineer’s ResponseWithin 28 days?
4Final Payment Certificate IssuedCorrect amount and details?
5Final SettlementDone by Employer as per certificate?

FAQs for Clause 14.13 – Issue of Final Payment Certificate

What is the purpose of Clause 14.13?

Clause 14.13 outlines the process for issuing the Final Payment Certificate, which states the final amount due after considering all previous payments and entitlements.

When should the Final Payment Certificate be issued?

The Engineer should issue the Final Payment Certificate within 28 days after receiving the Final Statement and written discharge from the Contractor.

What happens if the Contractor does not apply for a Final Payment Certificate?

If the Contractor fails to apply within 28 days of request, the Engineer can issue the Final Payment Certificate based on their fair determination of the amount due.

What does the Final Payment Certificate include?

It includes the final amount due and the balance due from either the Employer to the Contractor or vice versa.

Is the Final Payment Certificate affected by disputes or claims?

The issuance of the Final Payment Certificate is without prejudice to any other right or remedy, meaning it does not affect ongoing disputes or claims.

Common Misunderstandings

1. Final Payment Certificate as Final Settlement:

  • Misunderstanding: The Final Payment Certificate is often mistaken as the final settlement of all claims and disputes.
  • Reality: It represents the final regular payment and does not necessarily settle all outstanding issues or claims.

2. Timing for Submission:

  • Misunderstanding: There’s a belief that there’s no urgency in submitting the Final Statement and discharge.
  • Reality: Timely submission is crucial as it triggers the Engineer’s obligation to issue the Final Payment Certificate.

3. Engineer’s Discretion in Issuance:

  • Misunderstanding: The Engineer has wide discretion in determining the amount in the Final Payment Certificate.
  • Reality: The Engineer’s determination should be fair and based on the contract terms and submitted documents.

4. Finality of Certificate:

  • Misunderstanding: Once issued, the Final Payment Certificate is final and cannot be revised.
  • Reality: The certificate can be subject to revision in case of errors, omissions, or pursuant to dispute resolution proceedings.

5. Role of Written Discharge:

  • Misunderstanding: The written discharge is sometimes seen as a mere formality.
  • Reality: The written discharge is a crucial document that confirms the Contractor’s agreement to the final amount and can have implications on future claims.

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