Mastering Clause 15.5: Navigating Employer’s Entitlement to Termination in Construction Contracts

General Overview

Clause 15.5 in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 addresses the Employer’s right to terminate the contract at their convenience. This clause is significant as it provides the Employer with the authority to end the contract without the Contractor being in breach. It’s a crucial aspect of contract management, offering flexibility to the Employer while also imposing certain obligations.

Key Components

  1. Right to Terminate: The Employer has the right to terminate the contract at any time for their convenience.
  2. Notice Requirement: The Employer must give notice of termination to the Contractor.
  3. Effective Date: The termination takes effect 28 days after the Contractor receives the notice or after the Employer returns the Performance Security, whichever is later.
  4. Limitation: The Employer cannot use this right to execute the works themselves or arrange for the works to be executed by another contractor.

Process Flow

  1. Decision to Terminate: The Employer decides to terminate the contract for convenience.
  2. Issuance of Notice: The Employer issues a termination notice to the Contractor.
  3. Countdown to Termination: A 28-day period begins upon the Contractor receiving the notice or the return of the Performance Security.
  4. Termination Takes Effect: The contract officially ends after the 28-day period.
  5. Post-Termination Actions: The Contractor must follow procedures outlined in Sub-Clause 16.3 [Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor’s Equipment] and will be paid in accordance with Sub-Clause 19.6 [Optional Termination, Payment and Release].


  • When: This clause can be invoked at any point during the contract at the Employer’s discretion.
  • How: The Employer must issue a formal notice of termination and adhere to the 28-day waiting period.

General Considerations

  • Contractual Balance: While giving the Employer significant power, this clause also protects the Contractor by ensuring they are notified and given time to cease operations orderly.
  • Financial Implications: The Employer must be aware of the financial obligations that may arise from such termination, including payments due to the Contractor for work done and costs incurred up to the date of termination.
  • Strategic Use: Employers should consider the strategic implications of using this clause, as it can affect project timelines, reputation, and relationships with contractors.
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Clause 15.5 is a critical component in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999, providing the Employer with a powerful tool to manage the contract lifecycle. Its application must be carefully considered and executed, balancing the Employer’s needs with the Contractor’s rights and the overall project objectives. This clause underscores the dynamic nature of construction contracts, where flexibility and control are essential for effective project management.

Diverse Interpretations of Clause 15.5: Employer’s Entitlement to Termination

1. Purpose of Clause 15.5

  • Empowering the Employer: The primary purpose of Clause 15.5 is to grant the Employer the right to terminate the contract for their convenience, providing them with flexibility and control over the project’s continuation.
  • Balancing Interests: It aims to balance the Employer’s need for project adaptability with the Contractor’s right to fair notice and compensation.

2. Implications of Clause 15.5

  • For the Employer: Offers a strategic tool to alter or end the project without the need for the Contractor’s default or breach.
  • For the Contractor: Introduces a potential risk of unexpected termination, necessitating readiness for an orderly cessation of work.
  • Legal and Contractual Dynamics: Imposes a legal framework for termination that both parties must adhere to, impacting contractual relationships and project planning.

3. Primary Aspects of Clause 15.5

  • Notice of Termination: The Employer must issue a formal notice to the Contractor to initiate termination.
  • 28-Day Waiting Period: A mandatory waiting period ensures a structured transition towards termination.
  • Restrictions on Employer’s Use: The clause prohibits the Employer from terminating the contract to execute the works themselves or to have them executed by another contractor.
  • Post-Termination Procedures: Outlines the steps the Contractor must take following termination, including cessation of work and removal of equipment.

4. Uses of Clause 15.5

  • In Project Management: Employers can use this clause to realign or terminate the project based on changing circumstances or priorities.
  • Risk Mitigation: Contractors must factor in the possibility of such termination in their project planning and risk management strategies.
  • Financial Planning: Both parties need to consider the financial implications of termination, including settlement and compensation.

5. Expert Opinion on Clause 15.5

  • Critical for Flexibility: Experts view this clause as essential for providing the Employer with necessary project control while maintaining contractual fairness.
  • Risk Consideration: It’s advised that Contractors should always be aware of this potentiality and plan accordingly.
  • Reflects Industry Standards: This clause is seen as a standard practice in construction contracts, allowing for project adaptability in a fast-changing industry environment.
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Unraveling the Interplay of Clause 15.5 with Key Contractual Provisions

1. Interaction with Sub-Clause 16.3 [Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor’s Equipment]

  • Phrasing: “Upon the invocation of Clause 15.5, the procedural dance with Sub-Clause 16.3 begins, orchestrating the Contractor’s steps in winding down the works.”
  • Explanation: When the Employer exercises their right to terminate the contract under Clause 15.5, Sub-Clause 16.3 comes into play. It outlines the actions the Contractor must take following termination, such as ceasing work and removing equipment and materials from the site. This interaction ensures an orderly and systematic shutdown of project activities.

2. Interaction with Sub-Clause 19.6 [Optional Termination, Payment and Release]

  • Phrasing: “Clause 15.5, in its termination stride, seamlessly aligns with Sub-Clause 19.6, painting the financial landscape post-termination.”
  • Explanation: Sub-Clause 19.6 is directly linked to Clause 15.5, detailing the financial obligations of the Employer towards the Contractor after termination. It specifies how the Contractor will be compensated for work done up to the date of termination, ensuring fair financial settlement.

3. Interaction with Sub-Clause 15.2 [Termination by Employer]

  • Phrasing: “Clause 15.5, while distinct in its essence, shares a thematic symphony with Sub-Clause 15.2, both singing the tunes of termination but with different lyrics.”
  • Explanation: While both Clause 15.5 and Sub-Clause 15.2 deal with termination, they are invoked under different circumstances. Sub-Clause 15.2 is about termination due to the Contractor’s default, whereas Clause 15.5 is about termination at the Employer’s convenience. Understanding the nuances between these clauses is crucial for both parties.

4. Interaction with Clause 20 [Claims, Disputes and Arbitration]

  • Phrasing: “In the aftermath of Clause 15.5’s enactment, the path may lead to Clause 20, a realm of resolving arising disputes.”
  • Explanation: If there are disputes or disagreements arising from the termination under Clause 15.5, such as disputes over payment or the process of termination, Clause 20 provides the mechanism for claims, disputes, and arbitration. This ensures that any conflicts post-termination can be resolved through formal procedures.

The interactions of Clause 15.5 with other clauses in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 create a comprehensive framework for managing contract termination at the Employer’s convenience. These interactions highlight the importance of a holistic understanding of the contract, where each clause is interdependent and collectively shapes the contractual landscape post-termination. The role of Clause 15.5 in this network is pivotal, as it directly impacts the process, financial settlements, and potential disputes following the termination of a contract.

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Main Points to Keep in Mind When Employing Clause 15.5: Employer’s Entitlement to Termination

  1. Right to Terminate: Understand that the Employer has the right to terminate the contract at any time for their convenience, as per Clause 15.5.
  2. Notice Requirement: Ensure that a formal notice of termination is issued to the Contractor. This is a mandatory step to initiate the termination process.
  3. 28-Day Waiting Period: Be aware of the 28-day period that must elapse after the Contractor receives the notice or after the return of the Performance Security, whichever is later, before the termination takes effect.
  4. Limitation on Use: Remember that the Employer cannot use this clause to terminate the contract for the purpose of executing the works themselves or arranging for the works to be executed by another contractor.
  5. Post-Termination Obligations: Familiarize yourself with the obligations of the Contractor post-termination, particularly those outlined in Sub-Clause 16.3 [Cessation of Work and Removal of Contractor’s Equipment].
  6. Financial Settlements: Consider the financial implications of termination, including any payments due to the Contractor for work done up to the date of termination, as outlined in Sub-Clause 19.6 [Optional Termination, Payment and Release].
  7. Dispute Resolution: Be prepared for potential disputes arising from the termination and understand that these can be addressed through Clause 20 [Claims, Disputes and Arbitration].
  8. Documentation and Record-Keeping: Maintain thorough documentation of the termination process, including the notice of termination and records of compliance with the relevant clauses.
  9. Strategic Considerations: Employ this clause thoughtfully, considering its impact on the project timeline, financial implications, and relationships with the Contractor.
  10. Legal Compliance: Ensure that all actions taken under Clause 15.5 are in compliance with the terms of the contract and applicable laws.

Employing Clause 15.5 requires careful consideration and adherence to the specified procedures. It’s crucial to understand the legal and financial ramifications of invoking this clause and to manage the process transparently and fairly, respecting the rights and obligations of both the Employer and the Contractor.

Flowchart 1: Clause 15.5 Employer’s Entitlement to Termination Process

Clause 15.5

Detailed Explanation:

  1. Start: The Employer decides to terminate the contract.
  2. Issue Notice of Termination: A formal termination notice is issued to the Contractor.
  3. 28-Day Waiting Period Begins: A mandatory waiting period starts upon issuing the notice.
  4. Decision Point: Check if the Performance Security has been returned.
    • If Yes, the termination takes effect.
    • If No, wait for the return of the Performance Security.
  5. Contractor Ceases Work & Removes Equipment: The Contractor follows the procedures outlined in Sub-Clause 16.3.
  6. Financial Settlements: Settlements are made as per Sub-Clause 19.6.
  7. End: The termination process is completed.

Flowchart 2: Application of Clause 15.5 and Its Relationship to Other Clauses

Clause 15.5

Detailed Explanation:

  1. Start: The Employer exercises Clause 15.5 to terminate the contract.
  2. Issue Termination Notice: A notice of termination is issued to the Contractor.
  3. 28-Day Waiting Period: The waiting period commences post-notice issuance.
  4. Interaction with Sub-Clause 16.3: The Contractor begins cessation of work as per Sub-Clause 16.3.
  5. Interaction with Sub-Clause 19.6: Financial settlements are addressed according to Sub-Clause 19.6.
  6. Assess and Execute Financial Obligations: Financial obligations are assessed and executed.
  7. Decision Point: Determine if any disputes arise.
    • If Yes, engage Clause 20 for resolution.
    • If No, proceed to complete the termination process.
  8. End: The application of Clause 15.5 concludes.

Structured Checklists

1. Checklist for Proficient Execution and Deployment of Clause 15.5

StepAction ItemDetailsResponsible Party
1Decision to TerminateDetermine the need to terminate the contract for convenienceEmployer
2Issue NoticeFormally issue a termination notice to the ContractorEmployer
3Observe Waiting PeriodAdhere to the 28-day waiting period post-notice issuanceEmployer
4Confirm Security ReturnEnsure the return of Performance Security, if applicableEmployer
5Monitor Contractor ActionsOversee the Contractor’s cessation of work and equipment removalEmployer
6Financial SettlementsConduct financial settlements as per Sub-Clause 19.6Employer
7Record-KeepingMaintain documentation of the termination processEmployer
8Resolve DisputesAddress any disputes through Clause 20, if necessaryEmployer

2. Checklist for Applying and Overseeing Clause 15.5

StepAction ItemDetailsResponsible Party
1Evaluate TerminationAssess the necessity and implications of terminationEmployer
2Termination NoticeIssue a formal notice to the ContractorEmployer
3Manage Waiting PeriodEnsure compliance with the 28-day waiting periodEmployer
4Performance Security CheckVerify the status of Performance SecurityEmployer
5Supervise Contractor ComplianceEnsure the Contractor follows Sub-Clause 16.3Employer
6Handle Financial AspectsOversee financial settlements in line with Sub-Clause 19.6Employer
7DocumentationKeep thorough records of all termination-related actionsEmployer
8Dispute ManagementBe prepared to engage in dispute resolution if neededEmployer

3. Checklist for Guiding and Monitoring Execution of Clause 15.5

StepAction ItemDetailsResponsible Party
1Initiate TerminationDecide on and initiate the termination processEmployer
2Deliver NoticeProvide formal termination notice to the ContractorEmployer
3Adhere to TimelinesRespect the 28-day period before termination takes effectEmployer
4Security Return ConfirmationConfirm the return of any Performance SecurityEmployer
5Contractor’s ObligationsEnsure the Contractor ceases work and removes equipmentEmployer
6Financial SettlementExecute financial settlements according to Sub-Clause 19.6Employer
7Maintain RecordsDocument each step of the termination processEmployer
8Address DisputesHandle any arising disputes through Clause 20Employer

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