Legal Framework

Dispute Adjudication Board

Clause 20.4: Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision

Context and Purpose

Clause 20.4 serves as a procedural framework for referring disputes to the Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB). It outlines the steps and timelines for both Parties and the DAB, aiming to provide a timely and effective dispute resolution mechanism. The clause has significant implications for project management and legal compliance, as it dictates how disputes are to be formally addressed and resolved within the FIDIC framework.

Key Provisions

  1. Initiating the Process: After the DAB has been appointed as per Clause 20.2 and Clause 20.3, either Party can refer the dispute in writing to the DAB. This reference must explicitly state that it is made under this Sub-Clause.

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Dispute Adjudication Board

Clause 20.3: Failure to Agree Dispute Adjudication Board

Purpose and Implications

Clause 20.3 serves as a safety net in the FIDIC contract framework, ensuring that the Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) remains functional even when parties fail to agree on the appointment of a new member. This clause is activated under specific circumstances, such as the death, disability, resignation, or termination of a DAB member. The appointing entity or official named in the Appendix to Tender steps in to make a final and conclusive appointment, ensuring that the dispute resolution process is not stalled. Both parties are equally responsible for the remuneration of the appointing entity or official.

Interaction with Other Clauses

This clause closely interacts with other clauses related to dispute resolution, such as Clause 20.2 (Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board) and Clause 20.4 (Obtaining Dispute Adjudication Board’s Decision).… Read the rest

Dispute Adjudication Board

Clause 20.2 Appointment of the Dispute Adjudication Board

Purpose and Implications

The primary purpose of Clause 20.2 is to establish the Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB), a neutral body intended to resolve disputes between the contracting parties. The clause outlines the procedures for appointing DAB members, their qualifications, and the scope of their responsibilities. The DAB serves as an interim step before arbitration and aims to provide a quicker, less formal resolution to disputes.

Key Aspects

  1. Appointment Process: Specifies how DAB members are to be appointed and the qualifications they must possess.
  2. Jurisdiction: Defines the types of disputes the DAB is authorized to handle.
  3. Contractual Nature: The DAB’s powers are entirely contractual, and its decisions are binding but not enforceable like arbitral awards.
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Contractor's Operations

Comprehensive Analysis of Clause 4.23: Contractor’s Operations on Site


The primary objective of Clause 4.23 is to regulate the contractor’s activities on the construction site and any additional areas mutually agreed upon. This ensures safety, efficiency, and legal compliance, preventing disruptions or damages to adjacent properties.


  • For the Contractor: Non-compliance can result in penalties, delays, and even termination of the contract.
  • For the Employer and Engineer: Vigilance is required to ensure the contractor adheres to the boundaries set by the contract, preventing potential disputes or liabilities.

Primary Aspects

  • Safety Measures: Ensuring the safety of all personnel on site.
  • Environmental Regulations: Compliance with environmental laws.
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Security of the Site

Comprehensive Analysis of Clause 4.22 – Security of the Site

Diverse Interpretations

  1. Purpose: The primary purpose of Clause 4.22 is to establish the Contractor’s responsibility for maintaining the security of the construction site. It aims to prevent unauthorized access and ensure the safety of personnel and assets.
  2. Implications: Failure to comply with this clause could result in legal repercussions for the Contractor, including penalties and potential termination of the contract.
  3. Primary Aspects: The clause mainly focuses on two aspects:
    • Keeping unauthorized persons off the Site.
    • Limiting authorized persons to Contractor’s and Employer’s Personnel.
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Comprehensive Analysis of Clause 4.21 Progress Reports

Interpretations of Clause 4.21

  • Purpose: The clause aims to establish a formal and structured reporting mechanism for tracking project progress. It serves as a critical tool for both the Contractor and the Engineer to keep the project on track.
  • Implications: Failure to comply with this clause could lead to delays in payment and even legal disputes. It is a long-standing requirement in most contracts, formalized by FIDIC to ensure consistency and accountability.
  • Primary Aspects: The clause identifies eight topics to be addressed in the progress report, including charts, photographs, safety statistics, and comparisons of actual vs. planned progress.
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Free-Issue Material

Comprehensive Analysis of Clause 4.20: Employer’s Equipment and Free-Issue Material

Interpretations of Clause 4.20

Summary of Clause 4.20

The Clause 4.20 in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 deals with the Employer’s Equipment and Free-Issue Material. The Employer is responsible for making available any equipment specified in the Employer’s Requirements for the Contractor’s use in the execution of the Works. The Contractor is responsible for the equipment while it is being operated, driven, directed, or in possession or control of the Contractor’s Personnel. The Employer is also responsible for supplying “free-issue materials” in accordance with the details stated in the Employer’s Requirements. The Contractor must visually inspect these materials and notify the Engineer of any shortages, defects, or defaults.… Read the rest

Clause 4.19 Electricity,Water and Gas

Comprehensive Analysis of Clause 4.19 Electricity, Water and Gas

Interpretation of Clause 4.19 Electricity, Water and Gas in the FIDIC Contractual Environment:


Clause 4.19 in the FIDIC contract is designed to ensure the supply and usage of essential utilities, namely electricity, water, and gas, during the execution of a construction project. It aims to clearly define the responsibilities of both parties in securing and maintaining these utilities to support construction activities.


  • Disruptions & Delays: Any disruptions or deficiencies in utility provisions could lead to project delays.
  • Financial Consequences: Non-compliance with this clause can result in financial repercussions, including compensation claims or penalties.
  • Contract Termination: Severe breaches or continuous non-compliance could even lead to the termination of the contract.
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Protection of the Environment

Extensive Explanation of Clause 4.18 “Protection of the Environment”

Clause 4.18 from the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 emphasizes the importance of environmental protection during the execution of the works. The Contractor is obligated to take all reasonable steps to protect the environment on and off the Site and to avoid damage or nuisance to people or to the property of the public or others resulting from pollution, noise, or other causes arising as a consequence of his methods of operation.


The primary purpose of Clause 4.18 is to ensure that the Contractor operates in an environmentally responsible manner.… Read the rest

Clause 4.17

Extensive Explanation of Clause 4.17 Contractor’s Equipment

Purpose and Implications

Clause 4.17, titled “Contractor’s Equipment,” is a fundamental provision in the FIDIC contracts. It ensures that all equipment brought on-site by the Contractor is exclusively intended for the execution of the Works. This clause serves to guarantee that resources are not diverted to other projects, ensuring timely completion and dedication to the task. It also mandates that major items of the Contractor’s Equipment should not be removed from the Site without the permission of the Engineer, ensuring that essential equipment remains on-site until the project’s completion.… Read the rest

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