Legal Framework

Time for Completion

Unlocking the Comprehensive Analysis of Clause 8.2 Time for Completion

Comprehensive Analysis of Clause 8.2 Time for Completion

The Final Stretch: Unpacking the Clause on Timely Completion

The finish line is in sight, but getting there requires more than just speed—it demands precision, quality, and accountability. This clause sets the stage for the grand finale of the project, laying out the Contractor’s obligations and the possible repercussions of any deviations.

Purpose and Implications:

  • The clause emphasizes the importance of timely completion of the Works. It sets clear expectations for the Contractor regarding the timeline and the quality of work required for successful completion.
  • If the Contractor fails to comply with this clause, they may be subject to delay damages as outlined in Sub-Clause Clause 8.7 [Delay Damages].
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Clause 13.1 ‘Right to Vary’ in FIDIC Yellow Book 1999


Clause 13.1, commonly known as the “Right to Vary,” is a pivotal clause in the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999. It grants the Engineer the authority to instruct variations to the scope of the works under the contract. This clause is essential for both the Employer and the Contractor as it provides a structured mechanism for changes, thereby offering flexibility and adaptability in project execution.

Purpose and Implications

The primary purpose of Clause 13.1 Right to Vary is to create a structured mechanism that allows the Engineer to instruct Variations to the scope of work. The clause thus acts as a safeguard, ensuring that any changes to the original scope of work are not arbitrary but follow a well-defined procedural pathway.… Read the rest

Clause 2.1 - Right of Access to the Site

Unleashing the Secrets of FIDIC Contracts: Comprehensive Guide to Clause 2.1 – Right of Access to the Site

Unveiling Clause 2.1: Your Passport to the Construction Site

In the realm of civil engineering and building construction, the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 stands as a gold standard. One of its standout clauses is Clause 2.1, aptly named “Right of Access to the Site.” Think of this clause as the curtain-raiser for your project; it guarantees that the Employer provides the Contractor unimpeded access to the project site within the contractually agreed-upon timeframe. The heart of this clause lies in enabling the Contractor to get the job done, hassle-free.

The sentence “The Employer shall give the Contractor right of access to, and possession of, all parts of the Site within the time (or times) stated in the Appendix to Tender.… Read the rest

FIDIC Contracts 1999

Understanding FIDIC Contracts 1999 – Comprehensive Guide

Your Gateway to FIDIC: An All-Encompassing Guide

Welcome aboard! You’re about to delve into the world of FIDIC, the revered International Federation of Consulting Engineers. FIDIC is your go-to source for an expansive array of contract models, custom-made for the construction and engineering sectors. These contracts act as the backbone of international construction initiatives, delineating relationships and risk distribution between parties.

FIDIC Contracts

The Craftsmanship Behind FIDIC Contracts

These contracts don’t just appear out of thin air; they’re the result of tireless efforts by a panel of industry savants.

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Clause 3.5 Determinations

Understanding Clause 1: General Provision in FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 – A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding Clause 1 of the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999: A Comprehensive Guide

Clause 3.5 Determinations

Introductory Remarks on Clause 1: Foundational Guidelines

Clause 1 is the bedrock upon which the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999 is built, framing the contractual landscape between all participating entities. It serves as a glossary of key terms and a guide to the nature of the contractual relationship among parties.

Sub-Clause The Anatomy of a Contract

The concept of a “contract” is elaborately unpacked to include every piece of documentation that shapes the contractual relationship.

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