Understanding Clause 11.7 Right of Access in FIDIC Contracts

Diverse Interpretations


The core purpose of Clause 11.7 Right of Access is to delineate the Contractor’s rights to access both the physical aspects of the project and its associated records. This clause serves as an enabler for the Contractor to fulfill their contractual obligations effectively.

For instance, in a construction project in New York, this clause ensures that the Contractor could have the right to access architectural plans or quality inspection reports, which are crucial for complying with the New York City Building Codes.


The implications are twofold. For the Contractor, this clause offers an opportunity to continuously monitor and manage the project, thereby reducing the risk of later disputes. For the Employer, it implies that they can’t arbitrarily restrict the Contractor’s access without “reasonable security reasons,” which could be legally challenged.

In a real-world scenario in Massachusetts, a Contractor was denied access to environmental impact reports by the Employer. This led to a legal dispute as the Contractor argued that such reports were necessary for compliance with the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act.

Primary Aspects

The primary aspects to focus on are the Duration and Scope of access. The Duration is defined as until the “Performance Certificate has been issued,” while the Scope is “all parts of the Works and to records of the operation and performance of the Works.”

In a highway construction project in Pennsylvania, the Contractor utilized this clause to gain access to traffic management plans and operations records. This was crucial for coordinating with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation regulations and ensuring that the project would not adversely affect traffic flow.

Expert Opinion

From an Expert Opinion, it’s crucial to draft this clause with specificity in mind. Vague terms can lead to disputes. For example, what constitutes “reasonable security restrictions” should be explicitly defined, potentially referencing local laws or industry standards.

See also  Comprehensive Analysis of Clause 3.5 Determinations [FIDIC Yellow 1999]

In the North United States, it’s recommended to consult with local legal experts who are familiar with state-specific building codes and environmental laws. For instance, in Minnesota, you may need to consult experts familiar with the Minnesota State Building Code.

Relevant Illustrations

A relevant illustration could be a Contractor requiring access to verify compliance with the National Electrical Code (NEC) in the North United States. Denying such access without a valid reason could lead to legal complications.

Consider a water treatment plant project in Michigan. The Contractor could invoke this clause to access records related to water quality, which would be critical for compliance with the Michigan Safe Drinking Water Act.

Interaction with Other Clauses

Clause 11.7 Right of Access often interacts with:

  • Clause 4.20 Employer’s Equipment and Free-Issue Material: The Contractor’s right to access might include Employer-provided equipment, affecting how both clauses are executed.
  • Clause 20.1 Claims: Access to records and the site could be crucial when a Contractor needs to substantiate a claim.
  • In a renewable energy project in Vermont, Clause 11.7 Right of Access was crucial when read in conjunction with Clause 13.1 Right to Vary, as the Contractor needed access to assess the feasibility of proposed variations in the project.

Main Points to Keep in Mind

  1. Understand the Duration and Scope of the right of access thoroughly.
  2. Be aware of the local laws and regulations that may affect this right, such as OSHA standards or state-specific environmental laws.
  3. Always consult legal advice to understand the “reasonable security restrictions” that an Employer might impose.

Sample Letters

1. Request for Access

Subject: Request for Access Under Clause 11.7 Right of Access

Dear [Employer’s Name],

As the Contractor for [Project Name], we kindly request access to [specific parts of the Works or records] as stipulated under Clause 11.7 Right of Access. This access is crucial for us to fulfill our contractual obligations and ensure the project’s success.

We await your prompt response to arrange the necessary logistics.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Position]

2. Denial of Access

Subject: Denial of Access Under Clause 11.7 Right of Access

Dear [Contractor’s Name],

We regret to inform you that your request for access to [specific parts of the Works or records] has been denied. This decision is based on reasonable security restrictions as mentioned in Clause 11.7 Right of Access.

For more details, please refer to [security policy or laws cited].

See also  Clause 13.2: Value Engineering[Under FIDIC Yellow Book 1999]

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Position]

3. Legal Dispute

Subject: Legal Dispute Regarding Clause 11.7 Right of Access

Dear [Opposing Party’s Name],

We are writing to notify you that we intend to initiate legal proceedings due to your non-compliance with Clause 11.7 Right of Access. This has adversely affected our ability to execute the project effectively.

We urge you to resolve this matter promptly to avoid further legal actions.

Sincerely, [Your Name] [Legal Advisor’s Name]

4. Compliance Confirmation

Subject: Confirmation of Compliance with Clause 11.7 Right of Access

Dear [Opposing Party’s Name],

We are pleased to confirm that we have granted/denied access in compliance with Clause 11.7 Right of Access. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to the successful completion of the project.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Position]

5. Consulting Legal Expertise

Subject: Consultation Request for Clause 11.7 Right of Access

Dear [Legal Consultant’s Name],

We seek your expert opinion on Clause 11.7 Right of Access as it applies to our current project. Your insights will be invaluable in helping us navigate any legal complexities related to this clause.

Please let us know your availability for a consultation.

Best regards, [Your Name] [Your Position]


Clause 11.7 Right of Access


Nodes and Paths:

  1. Start: Need for Access: The process begins when there is a need for the Contractor to access parts of the Works or related records.

  2. Review Clause 11.7: The specific provisions of Clause 11.7 are reviewed to understand the rights and limitations concerning access.

  3. Define Security Restrictions: The Employer and Contractor discuss and define what constitutes “reasonable security restrictions.”

    • Agreement on Restrictions: If both parties agree on the security restrictions, the process moves forward.
    • Dispute Resolution: If there is a disagreement on the security restrictions, the dispute resolution process is initiated.
  4. Consult Legal Advisor: If there are uncertainties or complexities, a legal advisor is consulted.

    • Get Legal Advice: Legal advice is obtained and considered in the decision-making process.
  5. Proceed with Access: Once all terms and restrictions are agreed upon, the Contractor proceeds with accessing the required parts of the Works or records.

  6. Monitor & Record Access: The access is monitored and recorded for compliance and future reference.

  7. End: Issue Performance Certificate: The process ends when the Performance Certificate is issued, post which the Contractor’s right of access as per Clause 11.7 ceases.


Checklist 1: Proficient Execution and Deployment of Clause 11.7

Review the text of Clause 11.7Legal TeamWeek 1 Ensure understanding of scope and duration
Identify applicable local laws and regulationsCompliance TeamWeek 1 E.g., OSHA, Local Building Codes
Map out areas requiring accessProject ManagerWeek 2 Include physical and digital spaces
Prepare an Access Request LetterLegal TeamWeek 2 To be sent to the Employer
Validate Access CredentialsSecurity TeamWeek 3 Check against Employer’s security policies
Monitor and Document AccessProject ManagerOngoing Keep records for potential audits
See also  Understanding FIDIC Contract Forms: Managing Variations in Construction Projects

Checklist 2: Applying and Overseeing Clause 11.7

Confirm Receipt of Access Request LetterLegal TeamWeek 3 From the Employer
Evaluate the Employer’s Security RestrictionsSecurity TeamWeek 3 Ensure they are “reasonable”
Maintain a Log of AccessProject ManagerOngoing For accountability and record-keeping
Conduct Regular Compliance ChecksCompliance TeamMonthly Against local laws and project specs
Review and Update Access ProtocolsSecurity TeamQuarterly In line with project changes

Checklist 3: Guide and Monitor the Execution of Clause 11.7

Establish Access GuidelinesProject ManagerWeek 1 Document protocols for team members
Initial Access AuditCompliance TeamWeek 4 Ensure all accesses align with Clause
Periodic Access ReviewsProject ManagerMonthly Update any changes in access needs
Final Access Review Before Certificate IssuanceLegal TeamEnd of Project Ensure all accesses are closed or transferred

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What is Clause 11.7 Right of Access?
    • This clause outlines the Contractor’s right to access all parts of the Works and related records until the issuance of the Performance Certificate.
  2. When does the right of access end?
    • The right of access ends when the Performance Certificate is issued.
  3. Can the Employer restrict access?
    • Yes, the Employer can impose “reasonable security restrictions.”
  4. What counts as ‘reasonable security restrictions’?
    • This is generally defined by local laws and the specific terms of the contract.
  5. Do I need to be aware of local laws and regulations?
    • Yes, understanding local laws like building codes and environmental regulations is crucial when invoking this clause.

Common Misunderstandings

  1. Unlimited Access: Some people think this clause grants unlimited access to the Contractor, which is not the case. The Employer can impose reasonable security restrictions.

  2. Scope of Access: It’s not just physical access but also access to records, a point often overlooked.

  3. Duration: Some misinterpret the clause to mean that the Contractor has access even after the project is completed, which is incorrect.

  4. Local Laws: Often, parties ignore the impact of local laws and regulations that may define what constitutes “reasonable” restrictions.

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