Understanding Clause 5.7: The Importance of Operation and Maintenance Manuals

Diverse Interpretations of Clause 5.7


The primary purpose of this clause is to ensure that the Contractor provides the Engineer with operation and maintenance manuals. These manuals are essential for the Employer to effectively operate, maintain, and even repair the Plant.


Failure to submit these manuals can delay the issuance of the Taking-Over Certificate under Clause 10.1. The Contractor must ensure that these manuals are both provisional and final, and in sufficient detail as per the Employer’s Requirements.

Primary Aspects

  1. Provisional Manuals: Before the Tests on Completion, provisional manuals must be submitted.
  2. Final Manuals: The Works aren’t considered complete until final operation and maintenance manuals are submitted and approved.

Expert Opinion

From a legal standpoint, this clause safeguards the Employer’s interests by ensuring that they have all the necessary information to operate and maintain the Plant. It also provides the Contractor with clear guidelines on what must be included in these manuals.

Relevant Illustrations

  1. Energy Plant: In an energy plant construction project, the operation and maintenance manuals would include details on how to operate the turbines, safety measures, and emergency procedures.
  2. Manufacturing Facility: In this case, the manuals would cover the operation of machinery, maintenance schedules, and part replacement guidelines.
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Interaction with Other Clauses

  1. Clause 5.2 Contractor’s Documents: Both clauses deal with the documentation provided by the Contractor. While Clause 5.2 lays the groundwork for what kinds of documents are to be submitted, Clause 5.7 specifies that among these should be the operation and maintenance manuals.
  2. Clause 10.1 Taking Over of the Works and Sections: Clause 5.7 has a direct impact on the issuance of the Taking-Over Certificate. Without the final operation and maintenance manuals, the Taking-Over Certificate cannot be issued.
  3. Clause 4 Employer’s Requirements: The requirements specified by the Employer might include details that should be part of the operation and maintenance manuals, making Clause 5.7 a complementary follow-through.
  4. Clause 7 Plant, Materials and Workmanship: This clause deals with the quality of materials and workmanship, and the manuals in Clause 5.7 might include guidelines on maintaining this quality through proper operation and maintenance.
  5. Clause 9 Tests on Completion: Clause 5.7 mandates that provisional manuals be submitted prior to the commencement of these tests, thus influencing how and when tests are carried out.
  6. Clause 14 Contract Price and Payment: If the Contractor fails to provide the required manuals, this could potentially hold up payments, linking it back to Clause 14.
  7. Clause 17 Risk and Responsibility: The manuals often include safety procedures, which ties into this clause about the Contractor’s and Employer’s responsibilities for risks and hazards.

Key Takeaways for Clause 5.7

  1. Timely Submission: Ensure that provisional and final manuals are submitted on time to avoid delays in the project timeline.
  2. Detail-Oriented: The manuals should be comprehensive, covering all the necessary details for the Employer to operate, maintain, and repair the Plant effectively.
  3. Compliance: The manuals must comply with the Employer’s Requirements and any other specifications laid out in the contract.
  4. Taking-Over Certificate: Keep in mind that the final manuals are a prerequisite for the issuance of the Taking-Over Certificate under Clause 10.1.
  5. Revisions: Be prepared for potential revisions after the Engineer reviews the manuals. Always factor in time for this revision process.
  6. Legal Ramifications: Failure to submit adequate manuals can have legal consequences, including potential delays in payment and project completion.
  7. Interconnectedness: Understand how Clause 5.7 is interconnected with other clauses like Clause 5.2, 10.1, 4, 7, 9, 14, and 17.
  8. Quality and Safety: Include guidelines for maintaining the quality of materials and workmanship and safety procedures, in accordance with Clause 7 and 17.
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Real-World Instances and Case Studies

1. Water Treatment Plant Project

In a water treatment plant project in the North United States, failure to submit detailed operation and maintenance manuals resulted in a three-month delay for the issuance of the Taking-Over Certificate. The Contractor had to rework the manuals to include safety protocols and emergency procedures, as required by Clause 17 Risk and Responsibility.

2. Solar Power Plant Installation

For a solar power plant project, the Contractor submitted the provisional manuals right before the Tests on Completion, as mandated by Clause 9 Tests on Completion. However, the Engineer found gaps in the documentation, leading to revisions before the final submission.

3. Commercial Building Construction

In this case, the Contractor was highly proactive in aligning the operation and maintenance manuals with the Employer’s Requirements specified under Clause 4. The detailed manuals even included a section on sustainable practices, exceeding the Employer’s expectations.

4. Bridge Construction Project

The Contractor in a bridge construction project faced penalties for not providing comprehensive manuals that complied with local building codes. This delay also impacted payments under Clause 14 Contract Price and Payment.

Sample Letters

Scenario 1: Request for Provisional Manuals

[Your Company’s Letterhead]


[Contractor’s Address]

Subject: Request for Provisional Operation and Maintenance Manuals as per Clause 5.7

Dear [Contractor’s Name],

As the project approaches the Tests on Completion phase, we kindly remind you of your obligation under **Clause 5.7** to submit provisional operation and maintenance manuals.

These manuals should be in sufficient detail for our team to effectively operate, maintain, and repair the Plant.

Please submit these documents by [Due Date] to ensure a smooth transition to the next phase.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]

Scenario 2: Incomplete Manuals Submitted

[Your Company’s Letterhead]


[Contractor’s Address]

Subject: Incomplete Operation and Maintenance Manuals – Clause 5.7

Dear [Contractor’s Name],

Upon reviewing the operation and maintenance manuals you submitted, we found them to be incomplete. As per **Clause 5.7**, these manuals should be comprehensive and adhere to the Employer’s Requirements.

Please revise and resubmit by [Due Date].

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Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]

Scenario 3: Acknowledgment of Receipt and Approval

[Your Company’s Letterhead]


[Contractor’s Address]

Subject: Approval of Final Operation and Maintenance Manuals – Clause 5.7

Dear [Contractor’s Name],

We are pleased to inform you that the final operation and maintenance manuals submitted meet the criteria outlined in **Clause 5.7**.

The issuance of the Taking-Over Certificate will proceed as planned.

Best regards,
[Your Name]
[Your Position]


Checklist 1: Proficient Execution and Deployment

Task Responsible Party Due Date Status
Draft provisional manuals Contractor [Date]
Review provisional manuals Engineer [Date]
Submit final manuals Contractor [Date]
Review and approve final manuals Engineer [Date]
Issue Taking-Over Certificate Engineer [Date]

Checklist 2: Applying and Overseeing Clause 5.7

Task Responsible Party Due Date Notes
Confirm Employer’s Requirements Engineer [Date]
Review submitted provisional manuals Engineer [Date]
Confirm receipt of final manuals Engineer [Date]
Check compliance with Clause 10.1 Engineer [Date]

Checklist 3: Guiding and Monitoring Execution

Task Checkpoints Frequency Responsible Party
Update provisional manuals Every major phase Weekly Contractor
Review for compliance Before Tests on Completion Once Engineer
Update final manuals Post-Tests on Completion Once Contractor
Final review and approval Pre-Taking Over Once Engineer

FAQs for Clause 5.7

1. What is the main purpose of Clause 5.7?

  • Answer: The main purpose is to ensure that the Contractor provides detailed operation and maintenance manuals to the Engineer. These are crucial for the Employer to effectively operate and maintain the Plant.

2. What happens if the Contractor fails to submit the manuals?

  • Answer: If the Contractor fails to submit the manuals, the issuance of the Taking-Over Certificate under Clause 10.1 will be delayed.

3. Can the Engineer request revisions to the submitted manuals?

  • Answer: Yes, the Engineer can request revisions to ensure that the manuals meet the Employer’s Requirements and other specifications outlined in the contract.

4. When should the provisional manuals be submitted?

  • Answer: Provisional manuals should be submitted prior to the commencement of the Tests on Completion.

5. Are these manuals legally binding?

  • Answer: Yes, the requirements for these manuals are contractually binding under Clause 5.7, and failure to comply could have legal ramifications.

6. How do these manuals interact with other clauses?

  • Answer: These manuals are closely tied to other clauses like Clause 5.2, 10.1, 4, 7, 9, 14, and 17, affecting everything from documentation requirements to the issuance of the Taking-Over Certificate.

7. What should be included in these manuals?

  • Answer: The manuals should be comprehensive, covering all operation, maintenance, and repair aspects of the Plant, in line with the Employer’s Requirements.

8. Who is responsible for approving these manuals?

  • Answer: The Engineer is responsible for reviewing and approving both provisional and final operation and maintenance manuals.

9. Can these manuals be updated?

  • Answer: Yes, provisional manuals can be updated during the project, and final manuals must be submitted for approval.

10. What is the link between Clause 5.7 and Clause 10.1?

  • Answer: Clause 5.7 directly impacts the issuance of the Taking-Over Certificate under Clause 10.1 as the final manuals are a prerequisite for this certificate.

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