Understanding Clause 6.11: Ensuring Order and Safety

Table of Contents

Diverse Interpretations of Clause 6.11


The primary purpose of Clause 6.11 is to ensure a safe and orderly work environment on the project site. This clause obligates the Contractor to take all reasonable measures to prevent any form of disorderly conduct among the Contractor’s Personnel.


Failure to adhere to this clause could result in legal repercussions, project delays, and even termination of the contract in severe cases.

Primary Aspects

  1. Prevention of Unlawful Activities: Contractor must enforce laws and site rules.
  2. Peace Preservation: Maintaining a peaceful working environment.
  3. Protection of Property: Ensuring no damage occurs to site or nearby properties.

Expert Opinion

Experts often suggest the incorporation of security protocols and employee training as preventative measures. They also recommend regular site audits to ensure compliance.

Relevant Illustrations

In North United States, compliance with OSHA standards for workplace conduct is often cited as an example of meeting the requirements of this clause.

Interaction with Other Clauses

This clause often interacts with:

  • Clause 6.7: Health and Safety: Ensures that disorderly conduct does not compromise safety measures in place.
  • Clause 6.9: Contractor’s Personnel: Sets the criteria for the skills and behavior of the Contractor’s Personnel.

Phrasing Example: “In accordance with Clause 6.11 and in line with the safety measures outlined in Clause 6.7, the Contractor shall ensure a peaceful work environment.”

See also  Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Clause 5.1 General Design Obligations

Main Points to Keep in Mind

  1. Legal Requirements: Always be up-to-date with the labor laws of the jurisdiction.
  2. Site Management: Regular monitoring and checks to prevent any misconduct.
  3. Immediate Action: Quick response to any signs of disorder to mitigate risks.
  4. Documentation: Maintain records of actions taken for accountability.


Clause 6.11 Disorderly Conduct

Detailed Breakdown:

  • Contractor (C): Represents the party responsible for adhering to the requirements of Clause 6.11.

  • Supervisor (S): Represents the party overseeing the contractor’s compliance with Clause 6.11.

  • Reports compliance with Clause 6.11: The contractor initiates communication by reporting their compliance with the clause.

  • Requests evidence of training sessions: The supervisor, in response, asks for evidence that training sessions on expected site behavior (as per Clause 6.11) have been conducted.

  • Provides training records: The contractor provides records or evidence of the training sessions conducted.

  • Confirms receipt and checks for any disorderly conduct incidents: The supervisor confirms the receipt of the training records and inquires about any incidents of disorderly conduct.

  • Reports any incidents and actions taken: If there were any incidents, the contractor reports them along with the actions taken in response.

  • Provides feedback on incident handling: The supervisor provides feedback on how the contractor handled any reported incidents.

Detailed Breakdown:

  • Requirement: Adherence to Clause 6.11: This is the primary requirement, and all other tasks stem from this main requirement.

    • Training Sessions: Conducting training sessions to ensure proper behavior on site.

    • Reporting Mechanism: Establishing a mechanism for reporting disorderly acts.

    • Code of Conduct Signs: Displaying signs indicating the expected code of conduct.

    • Monitoring Site Activities: Regular monitoring of site activities to ensure compliance with the clause.

    • Ensuring Compliance: The final task involves ensuring that all the requirements of the clause are met.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Construction Site in France – “The Paris Pipeline Project”


During the construction of a major pipeline in Paris, a group of the Contractor’s Personnel got involved in a brawl over wage disputes.

Application of Clause 6.11:

The Contractor immediately intervened and separated the fighting parties. Following the guidelines of Clause 6.11, the Contractor initiated an internal investigation and disciplined the individuals involved according to French labor laws.


The incident led to a brief halt in construction, but the quick action from the Contractor limited the delay and legal repercussions. The event prompted the addition of conflict-resolution training for all personnel.

Case Study 2: High-Rise Building in the U.S. – “The Manhattan Marvel”


In a New York high-rise construction project, some of the Contractor’s Personnel were found to be involved in theft and vandalism.

Application of Clause 6.11:

The Contractor in charge activated security protocols in line with OSHA standards and Clause 6.11. The accused were immediately removed from the site, and legal actions were taken.


The incident did lead to increased security costs but helped prevent further incidents, maintaining the project’s integrity and schedule.

Case Study 3: Infrastructure Project in Japan – “Tokyo Tunnel Triumph”


In a tunnel construction project in Tokyo, Japan, a Contractor’s Personnel was found harassing coworkers.

See also  Comprehensive Analysis of Clause 4.1 Contractor's General Obligations

Application of Clause 6.11:

The Contractor, following the guidelines of Japanese labor laws and Clause 6.11, conducted a thorough investigation. The individual was subsequently removed from the project.


The Contractor also initiated a workshop on workplace ethics and harassment for all personnel, ensuring a safer and more respectful work environment.

Case Study 4: International Airport Expansion – “Heathrow’s Harmony”


During the expansion of Heathrow Airport in the UK, a group of Contractor’s Personnel organized an unauthorized strike, disrupting the work schedule.

Application of Clause 6.11:

The Contractor, in line with UK labor laws and Clause 6.11, negotiated with the personnel to reach an agreement and prevent further disruptions.


Though the strike led to a minor delay, the situation was resolved amicably, and the project proceeded without any major hitches.

These case studies aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of how Clause 6.11 is applied in various scenarios across different countries. Each case demonstrates the importance of proactive management and legal compliance.

Sample Letters

Letter 1: Warning Letter for Disorderly Conduct

To: [Employee’s Name]
From: [Contractor’s Name]
Date: [Date]

Subject: Warning for Disorderly Conduct in Violation of Clause 6.11

Dear [Employee’s Name],

We have received reports of your involvement in [Describe the incident] on [Date]. This behavior is a direct violation of **Clause 6.11: Disorderly Conduct** outlined in our employment contract and is unacceptable.

You are hereby warned that any further instances will result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

[Your Name]

Letter 2: Request to Engineer for Additional Security Measures

To: [Engineer’s Name]
From: [Contractor’s Name]
Date: [Date]

Subject: Request for Additional Security Measures under Clause 6.11

Dear [Engineer’s Name],

Due to recent incidents of disorderly conduct on the job site, we request your approval for additional security measures as per **Clause 6.11**.

We believe that these measures will help in maintaining peace and safety.

[Your Name]

Letter 3: Incident Report to Engineer

To: [Engineer’s Name]
From: [Contractor’s Name]
Date: [Date]

Subject: Incident Report as Required by Clause 6.11

Dear [Engineer’s Name],

We are writing to inform you of an incident that occurred on [Date]. [Describe the incident].

We have taken the necessary steps according to **Clause 6.11** and local laws to address the situation.

[Your Name]

Letter 4: Notification to Personnel about New Safety Measures

To: All Staff
From: [Contractor’s Name]
Date: [Date]

Subject: New Safety Measures in Accordance with Clause 6.11

Dear Team,

We are implementing new safety and conduct guidelines effective immediately as a part of our commitment to uphold **Clause 6.11**.

Please make yourself familiar with these new measures.

[Your Name]

Letter 5: Notice of Breach of Clause 6.11 – Disorderly Conduct

To: [Contractor’s Name]
[Contractor’s Address]
Date: [Insert Date]

Dear [Contractor’s Representative],

Re: Breach of Clause 6.11 – Disorderly Conduct

We are writing to formally notify you of a breach of Clause 6.11 – Disorderly Conduct, as stipulated in our contract under the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999.

See also  Understanding Breach of Contract in FIDIC Agreements

On [specific date], it was observed that [specific details of the disorderly conduct, e.g., “several members of your team were involved in a physical altercation on site, causing a disruption to the day’s work and posing a safety risk to other workers”].

Such behavior is in direct violation of Clause 6.11, which clearly states [specific wording from the clause, e.g., “The Contractor shall at all times take all reasonable precautions to prevent any unlawful, riotous, or disorderly conduct by or amongst his staff and labor and to preserve peace and protection of persons and property on and near the Site.”]

We kindly request that you take immediate corrective actions to address this breach. Failure to do so may result in [specific consequences as per the contract, e.g., “potential penalties, suspension of work, or other contractual remedies as deemed appropriate.”]

We trust that you will treat this matter with the utmost seriousness it deserves and ensure that such incidents do not recur in the future.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter and inform us of the steps you intend to take to rectify the situation.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Company/Organization]


Checklist 1: Proficient Execution and Deployment

TaskResponsible PartyFrequencyRemarks
Conduct pre-project briefingProject ManagerOnce before project startExplain Clause 6.11 to all employees
Sign Employee Conduct AgreementsHROnce before project startInclude Clause 6.11 in the contract
Post Clause 6.11 Guidelines on SiteSafety OfficerContinuousPlace in visible areas
Conduct Regular ChecksSite SupervisorDailyEnsure compliance
Incident ReportingAll EmployeesAs neededFollow the incident reporting procedure

Checklist 2: Assist in Applying and Overseeing

TaskResponsible PartyFrequencyRemarks
Audit for ComplianceCompliance OfficerQuarterlyEnsure all actions are compliant
Employee TrainingHRBi-annuallyTrain staff on conduct
Review Security MeasuresSecurity TeamMonthlyAssess and update security measures
Monitor Staff BehaviorHRContinuousLook for any signs of disorderly conduct
Legal ConsultationLegal TeamAs neededConsult legal team for compliance

Checklist 3: Guide and Monitor the Execution

TaskResponsible PartyFrequencyRemarks
Routine InspectionsSite SupervisorWeeklyCheck for compliance
Employee FeedbackHRMonthlyCollect feedback on Clause 6.11 implementation
Incident EvaluationManagementAfter each incidentEvaluate incidents and take corrective action
Security AuditsSecurity TeamQuarterlyAudit the effectiveness of security measures
Progress MeetingsProject ManagerMonthlyDiscuss Clause 6.11 compliance

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of Clause 6.11?

The purpose of Clause 6.11 is to ensure a safe, peaceful, and lawful working environment on and near the construction site by holding the contractor responsible for the conduct of their personnel.

2. What does “disorderly conduct” entail?

Disorderly conduct can include unlawful activities, riotous behavior, or any conduct that is prejudicial to safety, health, or the protection of the environment.

3. Who is responsible for implementing Clause 6.11?

The Contractor is responsible for implementing this clause and ensuring that all their personnel adhere to it.

4. What should I do if I witness disorderly conduct?

Report the incident immediately to your supervisor or the person responsible for safety and security on the site.

5. Are there any legal consequences for violating Clause 6.11?

Yes, failure to comply with Clause 6.11 may result in legal actions against the contractor, including termination of the contract in severe cases.

6. How does Clause 6.11 interact with other clauses in the contract?

Clause 6.11 should be read in conjunction with other clauses related to personnel, health and safety, and contract termination to understand its full scope and implications.

7. Is there any training provided for understanding Clause 6.11?

It is the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that all personnel are briefed and understand the implications of Clause 6.11.

8. How often should compliance with Clause 6.11 be reviewed?

Routine inspections and audits should be conducted to ensure ongoing compliance with Clause 6.11.

9. What are some preventive measures for ensuring compliance with Clause 6.11?

Preventive measures can include employee training, visible posting of guidelines, and regular security checks.

10. Are there any exceptions to Clause 6.11?

There are no exceptions. All contractor’s personnel are expected to adhere strictly to the clause.

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