Understanding FIDIC’s Clause 4.24 Fossils: Implications & Best Practices

Clause 4.24 Fossils addresses the discovery of items of historical, geological, or archaeological significance during the execution of works on a project site. Given the potential value and importance of such discoveries, the clause establishes clear protocols on how to handle and report these findings.

The key features and requirements of this clause are:

  1. Protection and Ownership: All discovered items, which could range from fossils and coins to artifacts and ancient structures, are under the purview of the Employer. The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that these items are neither removed nor damaged.
  2. Notification Process: Upon the discovery of any item of significance, the Contractor is obligated to inform the Engineer promptly. The Engineer, in turn, provides specific instructions on how to handle or preserve the discovery.
  3. Potential Delays and Costs: If the Contractor experiences delays or incurs additional costs due to the discovery and the subsequent instructions from the Engineer, they can claim:
    • An extension of time for the delay, under Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion].
    • Reimbursement for any extra costs, which will then be added to the Contract Price.
  4. Resolution Process: If there’s a disagreement or need for a decision regarding the delays and costs, the Engineer will make a determination as per Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations].

This clause emphasizes the importance of preserving archaeological and geological heritage and ensures that any discoveries are handled with care, while also accounting for the potential impact on the project’s schedule and costs.

1. Diverse Interpretations of Clause 4.24 Fossils:

  • Purpose: Clause 4.24 Fossils serves to protect and preserve any artifacts, fossils, or items of geological, historical, or archaeological significance discovered on the construction site. It defines the roles and responsibilities of both the Contractor and the Employer upon such discoveries.

  • Implications: This clause implies that any work on the site could potentially uncover items of significance. If such items are found, the Contractor’s operations may be halted or redirected, potentially leading to project delays or additional costs.

  • Primary Aspects: The key components of this clause are the protection and ownership of discoveries, the obligation of prompt notification to the Engineer, and provisions for potential delays and extra costs incurred by the Contractor.

  • Expert Opinion: Industry experts often stress the importance of such clauses, especially in regions rich in historical or archaeological significance. Proper adherence to this clause not only ensures legal compliance but also protects invaluable cultural and historical assets. Some experts might suggest conducting preliminary archaeological assessments before major excavations to anticipate and mitigate potential disruptions.

2. Interaction with Other Clauses:

  • Clause 4.24 and Sub-Clause 8.4 [Extension of Time for Completion]: If the discovery of significant items leads to work delays, the Contractor can seek an extension based on the stipulations in Sub-Clause 8.4, ensuring that they’re not unfairly penalized for unforeseen archaeological findings.

  • Clause 4.24 and Sub-Clause 3.5 [Determinations]: If there’s a disagreement or need for clarity regarding any additional costs or delays stemming from the discovery, it will be addressed and determined under the provisions of Sub-Clause 3.5.

3. Main Points to Keep in Mind When Employing Clause 4.24:

  • Prompt Notification: Upon discovering any artifact or item of significance, the Contractor must immediately notify the Engineer to receive further instructions.

  • Protection of Discoveries: The Contractor is tasked with ensuring that all discoveries remain undamaged and unremoved until the Engineer provides direction.

  • Claims for Delays and Costs: The Contractor has the right to claim for additional costs or delays resulting from the discovery and the subsequent handling process.

  • Employer’s Ownership: All discoveries fall under the purview of the Employer, emphasizing the Contractor’s role as a caretaker rather than an owner of the found items.

See also  Comprehensive Analysis of Clause 4.22 - Security of the Site


FIDIC Clause 4.24 Fossils

Detailed Explanation of the Flowchart:

  1. Start: Discovery of Fossils or Artifacts
    • The process begins when the Contractor discovers fossils, coins, or other items of historical or archaeological significance on the site.
  2. Contractor Notifies Engineer
    • Upon discovery, the Contractor must promptly notify the Engineer about the findings.
  3. Engineer Issues Instructions for Dealing with Findings
    • The Engineer, upon receiving notification, issues instructions on how to handle these discoveries.
  4. Contractor Complies with Instructions
    • The Contractor follows the Engineer’s instructions regarding the discovered items.
  5. If Delay/Cost Incurred
    • If complying with these instructions leads to delays or incurs additional costs, the Contractor proceeds to the next step.
  6. Contractor Gives Further Notice to Engineer
    • The Contractor informs the Engineer about the delay and/or additional costs incurred due to compliance with the instructions.
  7. Entitlement to Extension of Time
    • The Contractor may be entitled to an extension of time for project completion if the compliance causes a delay.
  8. Entitlement to Payment of Costs
    • The Contractor may also be entitled to payment for any additional costs incurred due to compliance.
  9. Engineer Proceeds with Determinations
    • The Engineer then proceeds in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.5 to agree or determine the extension of time and payment of costs.
  10. End Process
    • The process concludes once the Engineer has made the determinations regarding time extensions and cost payments.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Construction Site in New Mexico

Background: During the construction of a commercial complex in New Mexico, the Contractor stumbled upon ancient Native American artifacts, including pottery and skeletal remains.

Application of Clause 4.24:

  • Upon discovery, construction was halted, and the Engineer was promptly notified.
  • Recognizing the historical significance, the Employer took custody of the artifacts.
  • The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) came into play. These U.S. laws require federal agencies to consider the effects of their undertakings on historic properties and provide certain protections for Native American cultural items.
  • The Contractor faced delays as archaeologists were brought in to carefully excavate and document the findings. Due to the provisions in Sub-Clause 8.4, the Contractor was granted an extension of 45 days to account for the time lost.

Outcome: While the project faced delays, the discovery added significant historical and cultural value. The Employer set up a small museum near the site to showcase the artifacts.

Case Study 2: Downtown San Francisco Development

Background: A Contractor, during the foundational work of a high-rise in San Francisco, discovered fossilized remnants believed to be from the Pleistocene era.

Application of Clause 4.24:

  • Construction was momentarily stopped, and the Engineer was informed.
  • Given the potential scientific significance, the Employer took charge of the fossils.
  • The U.S. Geological Survey was consulted to understand the significance and age of the fossils.
  • Based on Sub-Clause 3.5 and the specific provisions of Clause 4.24, the Contractor was compensated for the delays and additional costs incurred due to the careful extraction of the fossils. An extension of 28 days was granted.
  • The discovery also had to be compliant with California’s environmental laws, ensuring that the extraction process did not harm the surrounding ecosystem.

Outcome: The fossils were donated to a local university for research. The building, once completed, had a plaque detailing the significance of the discovery, adding a unique selling point to the property.

See also  Employer’s Financial Arrangements - Clause 2.4 of FIDIC Yellow Book

Case Study 3: Bridge Construction in Louisiana

Background: While constructing a bridge over a Louisiana river, workers unearthed a shipwreck believed to be from the Civil War era.

Application of Clause 4.24:

  • The discovery halted the marine construction activities, and the Engineer was informed.
  • The Employer, in collaboration with state historians, took over the site to ensure the ship’s careful extraction.
  • U.S. laws concerning sunken warships, especially the Sunken Military Craft Act (SMCA), were invoked. This Act provides the U.S. government, particularly the Navy, rights over its sunken military vessels.
  • Due to the unforeseen discovery, the Contractor was granted an extension of 60 days to complete the project.

Outcome: The shipwreck was preserved and became a tourist attraction, with a small viewing area constructed alongside the bridge.

Case Study 4: Metro Construction in Rome, Italy

Background: The construction of a new metro line in Rome led to the discovery of an ancient Roman barracks with intact frescoes and an army barracks.

Application of Clause 4.24:

  • As soon as the discovery was made, the metro construction was halted, and the Engineer was notified.
  • Given Italy’s rich historical heritage, such discoveries are not uncommon. The Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage took custody of the site.
  • Italy’s stringent laws about archaeological discoveries, especially in cities like Rome with ancient ruins, meant that archaeologists had to be involved immediately.
  • The Contractor, based on Clause 4.24, was granted an extension of 90 days due to the time taken for careful excavation.

Outcome: The archaeological site was preserved and is now a museum. The metro line was slightly rerouted to preserve the historical significance.

Case Study 5: Dam Construction in the Nile Delta, Egypt

Background: During the construction of a dam in the Nile Delta, workers discovered a buried ancient Egyptian city with statues, pottery, and even a temple.

Application of Clause 4.24:

  • Construction activities were immediately stopped, and the Engineer was informed.
  • Given Egypt’s ancient history, the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities took over the excavation.
  • Egypt has strict laws and regulations regarding the discovery of antiquities, ensuring they are preserved and studied.
  • The Contractor was compensated for the delays and the costs incurred due to the discovery. An extension of 120 days was granted, keeping in line with the stipulations of Clause 4.24.

Outcome: The ancient city was transformed into an archaeological site, drawing researchers and tourists from around the world. The dam’s construction was eventually completed with some modifications to its original plan.

Case Study 6: Highway Construction in Xi’an, China

Background: A road construction project in Xi’an led to the discovery of ancient burial sites and artifacts from the Qin dynasty.

Application of Clause 4.24:

  • Upon the discovery, the construction was paused, and the Engineer was informed.
  • Xi’an, known for the Terracotta Army, has numerous unexplored archaeological sites. The local heritage department took charge of the findings.
  • China’s laws concerning historical discoveries were invoked, ensuring the proper preservation and study of the site.
  • The Contractor was granted an extension of 80 days due to the delays, as per the guidelines of Clause 4.24.

Outcome: The site was converted into a small museum, showcasing the artifacts and burial sites. The road was constructed with a slight detour to preserve the site.

Sample Letters

Scenario 1: Immediate Notification of Discovery

Letter 1:

[Your Company Letterhead] [Date]

[Engineer’s Name/Company] [Address] [City, Zip Code]

Subject: Immediate Notification of Fossil Discovery during Construction

Dear [Engineer’s Name],

We wish to bring to your immediate attention a significant discovery made during our excavation work at the [specific location]. Our team has unearthed what appears to be [describe the finding – e.g., “an ancient artifact/fossil”].

See also  Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Clause 13.3 Variation Procedure [FIDIC Yellow Book 1999]

In accordance with Clause 4.24 Fossils of our contract, we have halted the construction work in the affected area to ensure the safety and preservation of the find.

We request that you advise us on the next steps and any necessary procedures or specialists we should engage for the proper handling and assessment of this discovery.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


[Your Name] [Your Position] [Contact Details]

Scenario 2: Request for Extension Due to Discovery

Letter 2:

[Your Company Letterhead] [Date]

[Engineer’s Name/Company] [Address] [City, Zip Code]

Subject: Request for Extension Due to Fossil Discovery

Dear [Engineer’s Name],

Following our recent discovery of [describe the finding], and in line with the provisions of Clause 4.24 Fossils, we anticipate a delay in the project timeline. The necessary pause in construction to address the discovery, combined with potential archaeological assessments, will impact our originally projected completion date.

In light of this, we formally request an extension of [specific duration] to ensure that all procedures related to this find are adequately addressed without compromising the quality or safety of our work.

We appreciate your understanding and await your confirmation.


[Your Name] [Your Position] [Contact Details]

Scenario 3: Notice of Resumption of Work Post Discovery

Letter 3:

[Your Company Letterhead] [Date]

[Engineer’s Name/Company] [Address] [City, Zip Code]

Subject: Notice of Resumption of Work Following Fossil Discovery

Dear [Engineer’s Name],

We are pleased to inform you that following the discovery of [describe the finding] and the subsequent investigations and procedures in accordance with Clause 4.24 Fossils, we are now prepared to resume construction activities at [specific location] from [proposed date].

We have taken all necessary precautions to ensure the safety and preservation of the discovered items, and the site is now deemed fit for the continuation of our construction work.

Thank you for your support during this period. We remain committed to the timely and quality completion of this project.


[Your Name] [Your Position] [Contact Details]


1. Checklist for Proficient Execution and Deployment of Clause 4.24 Fossils

No.TaskDescriptionCompletion Status
1Site PreparationEnsure that the site is prepared for excavation, taking into account potential fossil locations.[ ]
2TrainingTrain personnel on the importance of fossils and the legal mandate of their preservation.[ ]
3Notification SystemEstablish a clear and efficient system for workers to report any findings.[ ]
4Initial AssessmentUpon discovery, immediately assess if the find is of potential significance.[ ]
5Immediate ActionHalt construction activities in the vicinity of the discovery.[ ]
6DocumentationTake photographs and document the finding’s location and condition.[ ]
7Notify EngineerAs per Clause 4.24, inform the Engineer about the discovery.[ ]
8Await InstructionsDo not proceed with work in the discovery area until clear instructions are received.[ ]

2. Checklist to Assist in Applying and Overseeing Clause 4.24 Fossils

No.TaskDescriptionCompletion Status
1Regular OversightConduct periodic checks to ensure workers are vigilant about potential discoveries.[ ]
2Update on LawsStay updated on local and federal laws concerning fossils and archaeological finds.[ ]
3Expert ContactsMaintain a list of archaeologists or experts to consult when a discovery is made.[ ]
4Communication ChannelEnsure clear communication between all stakeholders regarding any findings.[ ]
5Documentation ReviewPeriodically review all documentation related to past discoveries.[ ]
6Safety MeasuresEnsure the safety of discovered items until experts take over.[ ]

3. Checklist to Guide and Monitor the Execution of Clause 4.24 Fossils

No.TaskDescriptionCompletion Status
1Discovery ProtocolEnsure that the protocol for handling discoveries is clear and accessible to all staff.[ ]
2EquipmentHave necessary equipment (e.g., brushes, soft tools) on hand for safe uncovering of potential finds.[ ]
3Preservation AreaDesignate a safe area for temporarily storing any finds.[ ]
4External CommunicationPrepare for potential media interest in significant discoveries.[ ]
5ReportingImplement a structured reporting system for any finds, including photographs and descriptions.[ ]
6Review Clause 4.24Periodically review the clause with key personnel to ensure its proper execution.[ ]
7Feedback LoopEstablish a feedback loop with the Engineer for continuous improvement in handling such discoveries.[ ]

FAQs on Clause 4.24 Fossils

  1. What should be done if fossils are discovered during construction? Answer: Upon discovery of fossils, construction activities in the vicinity should be halted. The findings should be documented and reported to the Engineer, who will provide further instructions.

  2. Who has the authority over discovered fossils? Answer: All fossils discovered on the site are placed under the care and authority of the Employer.

  3. Is there a legal obligation to preserve fossils? Answer: Yes, most countries have laws mandating the preservation and reporting of archaeological and paleontological finds. This clause aligns with such laws.

  4. What if the discovery of fossils delays the project? Answer: If the Contractor suffers delays or incurs costs from complying with instructions related to the discovery, they are entitled to an extension of time and payment for such costs, subject to conditions laid out in the clause.

  5. How long should construction be halted after a discovery? Answer: Construction should be halted in the discovery area until clear instructions are received from the Engineer.

Common Misunderstandings:

  1. Any Discovery is Trivial: Not all discoveries might seem significant at first glance, but they could be of immense archaeological or paleontological value.

  2. Immediate Reporting Isn’t Necessary: Any delay in reporting could jeopardize the preservation of the find and may lead to legal complications.

  3. No Need for Specialized Equipment: Special equipment might be needed to safely uncover and preserve the discovery.

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